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Jun 3, 2023, 7 tweets

Glad to hear Gov Pritzker hasn’t made a final decision to support Invest in Kids, but we sincerely hope he isn’t actually willing to sign just ANYTHING ILGA sends him on vouchers. Invest in Kids is simply bad public policy bc it harms the public good.…

Back in 2018, when he was running for office, Gov Pritzker was very clear on his opposition to vouchers so we know he understood their flaws at that point:…

Invest in Kids Act is no better 5 years later. Among a *very* long list of reasons it needs to end, it uses Illinois tax dollars to fund virulently homophobic & transphobic institutions that teach kids about fire-breathing dinosaurs. That's not high-quality education. Period.

The full quote from Pritzker in the Daily Line makes it seem like he's not completely showing his hand yet on where he stands. Does "alleviate the burden on IL taxpayers" mean shrink the 75% credit or eliminate it given that contributors could instead get ~37% from feds anyway?

Sidenote: the Center Square (part of IPI John Tillman's "news" empire) post about that same news conf in Champaign only shared a partial quote from Pritzker w/ headline "Pritzker: Invest in Kids program may be renewed this year, but with changes"

Want to let the Gov. know where he should stand on Invest in Kids voucher program given his proclaimed support for LGBTQ+ rights this month? Give him a call: 217-782-6830 & 312-814-2121… #EndInvestInKids #VouchersFundDiscrimination #VouchersHurtEquity

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