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Different info/thoughts related to the Russo-Ukrainian War | #RussiaDecolonized founder | author at @wartranslated | @slovo2023 founder | #NAFO

Jun 3, 2023, 36 tweets

Thread Sakha (Yakutia). #RussiaDecolonized
Today, we will discuss the potential for the independence of the vast and frigid republic of Sakha in Russia.


According to the prevailing theory, the Turkic Sakha people migrated northward in the 10th-15th centuries due to pressure from the Buryats, a Mongolic group. /1

The Russian Tsardom began the conquest of western Siberia in the 16th century and gradually incorporated the region over a hundred years.

In the more remote areas, there was little resistance, and Russians would impose taxes on the local inhabitants. /2

Over time, Yakutia underwent Christianization and Russification efforts, introducing Orthodox Christianity and assimilating the local population into Russian culture. In practice, the local population still follows traditional religions and beliefs. /3

The region had different names and belonged to various administrative divisions. In 1992, the former Yakutsk Obakst was declared the Yakut ASSR within the Russian SSR. /4

Due to its isolated location relative to the rest of Siberia, Yakutia became a favored destination for the exile of individuals by both the Tsarist and Communist governments of Russia. /5

he Sakha Republic is vast, comparable in size to India, and located in a highly remote area.

Remarkably, the republic spans three different time zones. /6

Furthermore, it is renowned as one of the coldest places on Earth, with average winter temperatures plummeting below -30 degrees Celsius. Depending on the specific location, temperatures can frequently reach as low as -50 or even -60 degrees Celsius. /7

Due to its immense expanse, cities in Sakha are often separated by hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

The region shares borders with other Siberian regions and has access to the Arctic Ocean. /8

Consequently, it possesses the port of Tiksi, although this port is only navigable for a limited period from July to October. /9

In 2011, the Amur-Yakutsk Railway (AYR) reached the Nizhniy Bestyakh station, located 10 km from the right bank of the Lena River, opposite Yakutsk, the Republic's capital. The next planned step was to construct a bridge to connect the two settlements. /10

The bridge in Yakutsk is also necessary because the federal highway currently is across the river.
However, the federal government redirected the budget intended for the bridge to build a bridge connecting Russia with the occupied territory of Crimea. /11

Thus, communication over the river depends on the season: in summer by cargo-passenger ferry, in winter (December-April) by river ice; during the ice drift and freeze-up period, communication is only possible by air and by hovercraft. /12

Sakha Republic plays a vital role in Russia's economy, particularly due to its abundant natural resources. /13

It contributes a significant amount of revenue to the Moscow budget, primarily through its extensive deposits of diamonds, gold, coal, and other valuable minerals. /14

Despite the substantial wealth generated from these resources (with approximately a quarter of the world's diamonds sold originating from Sakha mines), very little of this revenue has reached the local Sakha communities. /15

It is important to note that while salaries in the republic are comparatively high, this does not necessarily translate to overall richness for the residents. This is because prices for goods and in Yakutia are significantly higher compared to other regions. /16

Expenses such as heating, warm clothing, and other necessities are also considerably greater. /17

The following video provides a good illustration of the life in the Sakha Republic. Please watch it if you haven't already. /18

As of today, the republic has a population of 1 million, which is relatively small considering its massive size. In 1924, the discovery of gold in the southern region triggered a significant influx of Russian migrants to Sakha. /19

While in 1926, the Sakha population accounted for 81.6 percent of the republic's total population, by 1989, this percentage had dropped to 33.4 percent. /20

However, in recent times, there has been a reverse trend as Russians increasingly choose to relocate to more connected regions, often referred to as "the continent". Residents of north Siberia use such word, because the life in their regions is very isolated. /21

Yakuts, despite undergoing extensive Russification over the centuries, have managed to preserve their native language. Although they often bear Russian names, their cultural identity and language have endured. /22

The Sakha (Yakut) national movement emerged during the 1905 Revolution. Led by Vasily Nikiforov, a Sakha lawyer and city councilor, the Yakut Union criticized Russian colonial policies and demanded representation in the State Duma. /23

However, the movement lost momentum and leaders were arrested by April 1906. Despite this, their demand for Sakha representation in the Duma was eventually granted. /24

The Yakut national movement of the early 20th century was closely intertwined with the development of Yakut literature. Many activists were also writers and poets, contributing to the preservation and promotion of Yakut cultural identity. /25

During the Stalin era, the Yakut national movement, like others in the USSR, faced severe repression. Many intellectuals were executed as part of the Soviet government's efforts to suppress nationalism and consolidate power. /26

In the early 1990s, the Yakutian Autonomous Soviet Federative Republic (ASFR) declared its sovereignty. As part of this declaration, they changed their name to the Sakha Republic, a name that is preferred by the indigenous population. /27

In the 1990s, Yakutia (Sakha Republic) established economic cooperation agreements with various countries, including Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.

In 1995, a decree was issued in Sakha banning the recruitment of its citizens into the Russian military. /28

This decision was made due to concerns that draftees were being sent to fight in Chechnya.

However, like other autonomous regions, Sakha has experienced a reduction in its autonomy rights, particularly during Putin's policies since the early 2000s. /29

In September 2022, protests against mobilization took place in Yakutsk, the capital city of Sakha.

There are several activists advocating for the freedom of the Sakha Republic and opposing the war. Many of these activists are affiliated with the @freeyakutia movement. /30

@freeyakutia CONCLUSION
The Sakha Republic is a region rich in natural resources. If it were to achieve independence, its economic development would likely be influenced by the abundance of these resources, despite difficulties in infrastructure. /31

@freeyakutia The uniqueness of the republic has the potential to attract a significant number of tourists once it distances itself from the Russian Federation. /32

@freeyakutia #RussiaDecolonized has the potential to greatly enhance the lives of numerous republics, with a particular emphasis on the Sakha Republic. /33

@freeyakutia Thank you for reading and consider to support the project by buying me a coffee. Likes, retweets, and comments are also helpful. Thank you for your support!
buymeacoffee.com/VTretyak /34

@freeyakutia Please engage with and share these thread series. Even small actions like liking, commenting, and sharing can contribute to the cause of ending Russian imperialism. #Sakha #RussiaDecolonized /35

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