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Jun 4, 2023, 7 tweets

@WHDLASD just brutalized and arrested 3 queer volunteers at #wehopride. The Sheriffs were making fun of the booth and the volunteers responded “This is why we don’t like cops at Pride” The sheriffs then attacked them and are filing bogus charges. Will update here 🧵

Demand the immediate release of the WeHo 3 and to drop the bogus charges!

The Mayor @SepiShyne
WeHo Sheriffs Station where they’re being held: (310) 855-8850

An earring was ripped out of Abbeys ear. Zodiac was tackled. They have been being held in custody in West Hollywood since noon today.

They were in the middle of helping set up the Equal Means Equal booth that advocates for the passing of the Equal Rights Amendment.

The people the cops brutalized and arrested are organizers extremely active in their communities. They lead QueerXact and the Resistance Coalition. Both were present at the counter protest that protected an elementary school Pride from fascists yesterday. This is not random.

Last year, LASD brutalized black trans women demanding the city invest in social services and #NoCopsAtPride.

Hundreds of people flooded the public comments condemning it and demanding a change.

The City Council has instead DOUBLED the police presence at this years event.

Earlier this year, the #WeHo LASD attacked and hogtied a trans women in her home. The City Council has since increased their funding and number of officers. They never fired the guilty cops.

These same police are on every block at #Pride.

The City Council Members that voted to double #LASDgangs at Pride:

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