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Jun 4, 2023, 8 tweets

Our country just witnessed one of the biggest train accidents in history in which at least 288 people lost their lives & 900 were injured in the horrific three-train collision #TrainAccidentInOdisha.No political workers have sympathy for the victims,only propaganda(1/8)
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It seems the LW ecosystem was eagerly waiting for such a tragedy. After the tragic accident propaganda accounts didn't miss the opportunity. Crowded old videos of Coromandel Express are being circulated to target the govt with a "told you so" narrative. (2/8)

Extremists RW accounts blaming a particular community & projecting it as Muslims/Rohingyas are involved in the tragic accident.Cropped image of a temple near accident site is being shared as a mosque to set an anti-Islam narrative.
These are religious conspiracy theorists.(3/8)

Congress and opposition parties are doing dirty politics over the tragic train accident.They are mocking Kavach System and that technology. Do they know that Kavach System can't prevent such derailments?It's an ongoing process to implement a network spanning 2,000 kilometers(4/8)

BJP leaders are visiting the accident site with full media coverage, their IT cell department making them heroes, it is nothing but a publicity stunt. One inorganic trend #IStandwithAshwiniVaishnaw started just to safeguard the current railway minister from backlash. (5/8)

In such a difficult time, numerous people have lost everything,but opportunists are celebrating cartoons published by the German media a few months ago after India overtook China in population. For them celebrating foreign cartoons is more important than a national disaster.(6/8)

BJP IT cell & influencers are circulating old data to defend their ministers & other responsible leaders. While innocent victims are suffering serious injuries and fighting for life,these people playing poker with the number of deaths.The goal should be 0 casualties,not less(7/8)

Political workers & social media influencers are blaming each other and doing propaganda to set a political narrative, meanwhile, a helpless father trying to find his son's corpse.
Our goal should be to fight this together #WeStandwithOdishaVictims (8/8)

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