🇱🇷KingKoi🐆🏝️🧬🌍 ꕙꔤ ꗞ Profile picture
Amateur African Historian, Pan Africanist, Leftist Congo/Vai, AA |Windward Coast Centrist🇱🇷🇸🇱| 🌍 🛖🏝️🌊💨❤️🖤💚#AfricanHistory #BlackGeoPolitics JuntaK

Jun 4, 2023, 14 tweets

Mansa Musa was NOT a white man!! 😂💀
Right wingers are circulating a video white washing the history of the Mali Empire, made by fraud grifter and #snowtep ❄️ @robertsepehr.

This thread will breakdown and debunk this stupid video.

The video begins by asserting Mansa Musa was a white beber and the ruling class of the Mali empire where all white moors.

This issue is Musa and the Keita dynasty where not moors at all they where black Mandinka(Mande).

Berbers in Mali aren’t white either but that’s irrelevant.

He makes a bold and stupid claim that like the Moors, Mansa Musa was also “black washed”.

Even though they’re countless depictions portraying the Moors as having dark skin that is irrelevant, because Musa was not a Moor or a Berber he was a black Mandingo.

You can debate about the true race of the “moors” all day but there is no disputing the Mandingos are black.

Their name “Mandingo” has even been adopted into American English and used as a slur. Their history is deeply intertwined with the Atlantic slave trade and blackness.

Musa’s Dynasty was so aware of their blackness, when their dynasty converted too Islam, they claimed decent from the first Black Muslim Bilal out of all the characters in the Quran.
Not Muhammad, not Ali, but the black African Bilial.
Modern Keita decedents are also all black.

The writer of the video, Robert Sepehr desperately tries to erase Mansa Musa’s Mande origins and wishes his audience to see him as a White Aryan Berber.

His stupid audience has no understanding of history so they just nod and agree to confirm their racial bias.

This video goes off topic and attributes the building Ethiopian churches of Lallibela to “Blonde Angels”, he says lust be aryans.
His proof for this was swaztika designs in the Church windows.

This is laughable of course Ethiopian angels are depicted as Africans with Afros…

And the Swaztika is a common design that can be seen in many non indo-Aryan cultures.
It was a common design until the Nazis tarnished its image.

Robert Sepehr still has no issue with his audience conflating the Nile civilizations with Hitlers fake Aryan race. He wants them to.

He also makes the ridiculous claim that the Christian Nubian kingdom of Makuria was a white Aryan Kingdom ruled by white people.

He then shows an assortment of supposedly “white Nubian” paintings.
He conveniently ignores their Afros and all the paintings of black Nubian kings.

Robert uses a picture of a Byzantine Emperor(Emperor Justinian I suspect) and passes him off as a Nubian King or Angel.
He also misrepresents western art as African to prove his point.

He wants the bottom left pic to be seen as Nubian even though Latin is clearly visible.

Sepehr ends his video by hypothesizing that a fake race of white Aryans ruled Nubia, Ethiopia and the Mali Empire and taught them civilization.
He is simply picking the African civilizations he likes and is trying to white wash them. This is a common white supremacist tactic.

White people, especially Northern Europeans, feel the need too white wash Ancient Mediterranean, Eastern and African civilizations because they have no ancient history of their own.

This doesn’t fit with their racist superiority complex so they just try to rewrite history.

End of 🧵.
This video and anyone who uses it as evidence are total jokes.
Robert Sepehr is racist a clown not a scholar.
Here’s some links so some accurate history about Mali. Ones a real scholarly source.

Lol I win

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