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Jun 5, 2023, 6 tweets

@ankurb making the @cheqd_io team and community proud with an amazing speech @Gateway_Conf on social reputation in web 3 and our vision for a @cosmos-wide #InterchainReputation

Read on for highlights, @Creds_xyz insights and even @ankurb's meaning of "identity herpes"



At @Creds_xyz we're building a Zero-Knowledge & Privacy-Preserving Decentralised Reputation solution...

Why is this so important?


First you've gotta understand what a social reputation looks like in Web 3...

Generally with Web 3, plus in the standard social media platforms, users are known by their social or chain 'handles'

As @ankurb shared, @VitalikButerin's ENS handle is vitalik.eth

... but is it?


These handles are SO easy to fake, generally with subtle changes

In the past month I've experienced this first hand, with multiple @instagram accounts impersonating me using slightly altered versions of my handle (rosspower) and having full conversations with my friends


The scale of impersonation is a massive problem, with @Twitter suspending 249,572 accounts in just 6 month (Jan - June 2022)

We also see this ourselves @cheqd_io, with our own groups impersonated, and not shut down despite continuous attempts


So why not just use NFTs or SBT (Soul Bound Tokens) to prove your identity?

To @ankurb NFTs for reputation is 🦠"identity herpes", as anyone can drop them in your wallet, 🚫 you're constantly doxxing yourself, and you need to spend tokens to get rid of them (🔥 burn them)


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