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Jun 7, 2023, 8 tweets


Oshi no Ko Episode 8

The curse cannot be lifted as long as the father exists. Unable to live a normal life Aqua is chained to this goal. Even when faced with light that could potentially save him. Using the same machinations of industry to carve his path to revenge.

One of the core themes of this episode is the distinction between various entities which are A, and Aqua (Akane kind off) with each of them having a lying persona. It begs a question where is the truth and how one is supposed to grasp it. That frustrated Aqua tremendously.

He couldn't comprehend how someone so distant could have supposedely "figured out" Ai so well and yet he failed. But what is worth noting is that whatever Akane concluded are based on her assumptions and they could have some lies in them too. Oshi no Ko loves to toy around.

This scene stood out to me the most due to its execution. The world around Kana got brighter and more colorful as soon as Aqua appeared but the focus on her making a step forward and being stopped as if almost moving on with him was brilliant.

I could praise the animation during the baseball scenes as it showed some very swift and weightful (?) movements particularly during the send offs but I would be lying if I didn't find Kana scenes adorable and enjoyable as heck.

Kana sounds:

The way Aqua's decision was showcased provides no doubt about his intentions and the morality of it. Once again fueling his obssession and destroying him from inside as what was once someone who imitated Ai to perfection became a tool, a puppet for revenge.

To further illustrate the point of using once learnt or even taught questionable machinations of entertainment industry we got a not so real confession from director which really put things into perspective. I really liked that part, kind of sends a message too.

To end I would point out the obvious which is the fact that Kanna Hirayama was CAD and it was definitely noticeable throughout episode with out of this world detailed drawings that really took the charm of manga and put it to next level with color script. Oshi no Ko is so blessed

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