Scott Duncan Profile picture
Scottish meteorologist based in London | MMet @UniofReading | Former co-owner @wxcharts | opinions are my own

Jun 7, 2023, 5 tweets

Extreme and prolonged hot and dry conditions in Canada are setting records and making it effortless for wildfires to rage.

Canada was at the epicenter of the most significant heat anomaly on the planet in May.

How things look when you zoom out...

This is the second warmest May on record for the global average temperature.

It was very cold in Australia, even some impressive local records in May.

I have seen very misleading headlines about cold in Australia though. It was the 17th coldest May on record nationally.

Europe was a mixed bag...

On the cool side for many especially central & southeast Europe.

South America and large portions of the southern half of Africa were warm. Notice the emerging El Niño signature in the eastern Pacific.

Asia also had a mixed bag with net cool in central areas but oppressive heat in the Southeast (many records broken).

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