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Jun 7, 2023, 11 tweets

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🧡 Unraveling the Mystery of @metabrc : What We Know So Far About $MXRC!

Let's dip...


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Supported by @Citadelxyz, a project with a robust Core Team, $MXRC has gained significant backing. Members of the Citadel Core Team conducted Twitter Space with @atgoodm, the blue @BitGod21, confirming the close association between Citadel and $MXRC.

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Interestingly, many members of the @Citadelxyz Core Team are also part of @BitDodos, a platform that focuses on order distribution but is yet to commence trading. This connection has caught the attention of observers, who are ready to capitalize if $MXRC gains momentumπŸ‘€

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Within a span of just 7 days, the @metabrc Twitter account skyrocketed from 0 to 140k followers. $MXRC tokens are allocated to the team, and with 13,455 holders already, it positions $MXRC among the top 2 in terms of holder count on BRC.

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Notably, current market caps include $OXBT at 22kk, $ORDI at 155 million, and the fourth token after $MXRC, $VMPX, at 5kk, which hints at a minimum project estimate of 7kk (available at a discounted price).

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Insiders suggest that the founder of @BitDodos, @BitGod21 from $OXBT, is none other than the founder of $MXRC. Furthermore, the Citadel has another project, @atomordinals, according to insiders.

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Intriguing connections emerge between $MXRC and @Azuki NFT, with team members overlapping. Notably, @ElenaaETH, a core team member of Citadel, is also associated with @Azuki.

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Furthermore, @Azuki's Twitter account follows @0xfetty, listed as an Admin @Citadelxyz. PFPs of Citadel and Azuki admins are provided by @BEANZOfficial (AZUKI subcollection), solidifying the link between Azuki and Citadel.

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Stay locked in as we dive deeper into the mind-blowing realm of $MXRC! Get ready for some wild revelations, fam! πŸ’₯πŸš€ #MXRC

P.S They still in the dark about the mind-blowing connection between @metabrc and @Azuki

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