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Dispatches from the rabbit hole from a senile, crazy gadfly who--in his more lucid moments--provides fire and EMS news.

Jun 8, 2023, 7 tweets

(1) NEW: You know what else is at Code Maroon? DC911/@OUC_DC. This agency is hazardous to our health. The problems aren't as visible as wildfire smoke. You have to know what you're looking for to fully understand DC911 remains in crisis. (more) @CMBrookePinto @SafeDC @MayorBowser

(2) Yesterday's vehicle fire is a good example of the symptoms. The fastest way to get fire & EMS to parts of DC's 14th St & Case bridges often means dispatching @ArlingtonVaFD. But DC911/@OUC_DC waited 12 minutes before doing that. Think about that -- 12 minutes! (more)

(3) Sending @ArlingtonVaFD has been SOP for months but @OUC_DC still can't get it right. It took 8 minutes on a 2nd call last night. Few will care about this until someone dies in a burning car or from cardiac arrest while DC911 takes its time alerting Arlington. (more)

(4) And few care DC911/@OUC_DC constantly wastes key @dcfireems resources sending double & even triple responses. It happened on the vehicle fire & 2 other calls yesterday--all in a little more than 3 hrs. I guess it will take the right person dying before it's addressed. (more)

(5) DC 911 is at a point where the public constantly complains they don't get an answer when they call. At the same time, @dcfireems never knows if they'll get a reply when calling @OUC_DC by radio. This is on top of blown addresses & other mistakes. (more)

(6) What makes DC911/@OUC_DC particularly hazardous to our health is its complete lack of transparency & accountability. Without honest, direct answers, detailed information about errors & reliable statistics it's hard to see the needle dropping into the healthy range. (more)

(7) Sorry my latest DC911/@OUC_DC health check is so dismal. But unfortunately it's the truth. As always, this isn't about the workers on the floor, but OUC's training, management, & leadership. Read more details in my latest post. #FixDC911. statter911.com/2023/06/08/dc-…

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