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Jun 9, 2023, 11 tweets

Role of navagrahas in human body

Human lifespan is 120 years

Ketu is 7 years,
Venus 20 years,
Sun is 6 years old
Moon 10 years,

#vedicastrology #astrology

Mars 7 years,
Rahu is 18 years,
Jupiter is 16 years,
Saturn is 19 years,
Mercury 17 years,
Thus: 7+20+6+10+7+18+16+19+17

= divided into 120 years.
#vedicastrology #astrology

Based on change of planets, human development varies. Adityadi Navagraha's ray energies are within human beings.

Ravi refers to the body.

Ravi Kuja creates powerful qualities within the body.
Chandra Shukra is responsible for patience and beauty.
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Moon is responsible for morale. If Jupiter is giver of knowledge, Mercury is cause of mental faculties. Shani the cause of the body's bones (like iron bars in a concrete pillar). When bones are dislodged, it is death.

Thus Shani tooo becomes a killer.
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Shani is also one who gives mutsadita of ancestors. Rahu & Ketu are transitive energies. Thats the giver of excitement & discouragement. E.g. If Ravi Kujaru is weak in horoscope & Rahu is strong, there will be excessive enthusiasm for prowess.
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But when its impossible to achieve, he immediately gets discouraged.

If Mutsadi Shani is weak here, performing feats & breaking a limb etc may be a disaster.

For this, seek an astrologer's advice should be taken as they have this knowledge.
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This is how planets give strength to each other. There will be a change in interests during this period. Here Venus, Kuja Rahu, Rahu-Brihaspati conjuncts are dangerous. This is when one's mentality changes. Even if similar in other planets, its not dangerous.

Ancients have given Sandhi Shanti Homam remedies for this. Can also be controlled by diet as rays of planets are also useful for vitamins & proteins. When nutrients are deficient, disease & death occur. Every food we eat has a planetary effect.
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Eg: You may have heard people say. "Earlier, sweets meant panchaprana. Now I don't like sweets. I like spicy, I used to like that vegetable lots, but now I don't like it. All these are the results of body growth, that is, the result of dasha seasons.
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So Navagrahas indicate the life span of the body of 120 years. It is divided like this. In general, as 'Sharira Madhyam Khalu Dharma Sadhanam', the health of the body is necessary for all karmas. It is our job to maintain it.
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A nation can be built by protecting the body.

The health of the country depends on the health of the body.
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