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Jun 11, 2023, 16 tweets

✨ Send at least $10 or more $ONE deom exchange to Mëtãmask using this process to get your $ONE address

We will be uaing harmony to build up our actice days.. Proceed with the whole process 😉

⛳ Visit:
✨ Bridge the $USDT to harmony.
Approve wallet and wait for the process, now beidge back to BNB from harmony by switching sides.

✨ Now after successful bridge, check the list since we are on #BNB chain,

go back to pancake swapand pick from this list, swap and bridge one by one . Using $10. You can create the volume later (sometimes some pairs are illiquid)


Depending on your Convenience, But the Earlier, the Better.

You may also leave a little amount when rotating to the next coin (say 0.0001) to know the ones you have done.

⛳ Visit ::
✨ Bridge from $BNB to Matic
(you don't have to bridge all the tokens again for all $BNB is same on every chain)

TAKE NOTE :: you would need destination gas for each Blockchain. sometimes I don't stress myselfi just bridge in $1 and forget in some hard destinations.

Overall, Bridging From hard Destinations Increases your Source which is adviceable 😉

Don't also forget Ethereum even if it's a To and Fro. gas s cheap sometimes.

⛳ Visit ::
✨ Check the chains you haven't covered, you can as well interact with them to increase your volume


⛳ Listen, nobody is talking about this one.
SWAP TO $CORE CHAIN ! you will need little gas to add it to your source (you can get $5 $CORE from MEXC)

If you don't have enough, just bridge $1 to add up your destination chain
⛳ Visit ::

⛳ Use Aptos Bridge::
Visit :
✨ Bridge $USDT from BNB to Aptos, bridging back from Aptos to polygon (you will need little $APT for gas)

You can also use the gas-on-destination feature

⛳ Using Sushiswap (overkill)
Toggle the CROSSCHAIN option to use LayerZero. Still the same.. lmao

if you wanna increase the numbers of DEX, You shoot but not soo important

⛳ Visit ::
stargate.finance/stake & stake your $STG on your preferred network . Some say $ETH Network.. nobody knows yet, just stake.

Stake at least 50 $STG or more, if no enough funds, shoot with 25 $STG

Participate in the next voting

⛳ Use Holograph
Bridge NFT cross-chain

Support for Arbitrum Nova, zkEVM, Fuse among others is rolling out. As soon as it comes, I'll do well to update this....

Saying all these, I would advice you increase your active days. You can use the Harmony bridge every day by just completing a swap/day!

Use this link to check your rank.

This tweet alone will take you more than 80% ahead others

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