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Jun 11, 2023, 12 tweets

This scene my favourite!🔥
Mert acting is phenomenal, Ferit’s attitude and voice, his shaking hand always leaves me speechless, when he told Orhan to wait- it was shaking in anger, exhaustion but not in fear.
The confrontation much awaited!
Halis vs Ferit 🌋
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

No one dare to differ with Halis or do other than what he told, who ever try it’s either an enemy or a successor.

“Her söz senin ağam sözünse, bu da beni ferit korhan sözüm.”
The highlight of the scene.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

No one is allowed to brag about himself or his name in that yali other than Halis Ağa, he made sure everyone is an extension of him and his name, he keeps them small in order for him to be great, he owns them by owning his family’s name.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Expect for Ferit, the black sheep, the rebel one, who made a name for himself, even though it’s related to the Korhans but it’s Ferit Korhan and no one else!
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Ferit finally breaking free from Halis chains. He can’t and will never own him. He’s not and will never be a string puppet in Halis hands, let him make of him another miserable Korhan, he’ll never let him step on his feelings.
Ferit is forcing Halis listen!
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

This head to head between Halis and Ferit came gradually,
first time in ep28, Ferit spoke for himself in front of Halis, but he refused to listen or be criticised by Ferit and reminded him that he is not Ferit but “Halis grandchild”.
Halis lost Ferit trust.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

In ep30, Halis trying to have the upper hand of the situation by according Ferit forgiveness he didn’t ask for, but Ferit changed the game, he is not bowing his head anymore and he is not willing to forgive.
Halis lost Ferit respect that day.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

In ep35, Ferit stopped his father from interfering he needed that confrontation same as Halis, he didn’t say much but his position and resistance was obvious to Halis and he knew that that day he lost Ferit.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Later that night Ferit came to tell him that he used to love him. A confirmation, he lost Ferit’s love.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

It’s interesting how only Ferit from all the Korhans has a companion Abidin, same as Halis has Latif, and in this last confrontation in both frames of Halis and Ferit we see Latif and Abidin in the background.
Kings and their right hands.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Ferit is the future of the Korhans family he is the only one capable of preserving the family name. And it’s not something easy for Halis to admit, he loves Ferit, but Ferit is everything he is not, a better version of himself.
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

Halis is reliving his past regrets through Ferit, his insistence to not let go of the love of his life unlike Halis make the burden heavier on him to carry.
At his age he was walking around with men and a gun to his belt.
Ferit is bare hands fearless. 🐆🔥
#YalıÇapkını #SeyFer

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