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ONE PIECE theory and speculation account. Let's have fun with this. WARNING: Posts will contain spoilers. . . . . . . . (The One Piece is going to be a...!)

Jun 12, 2023, 23 tweets

One Piece Theory:

The Mother Flame.

Or is it Frame? Why not both.

In this thread, I’ll theorize on what it is and how it’s connected to the Ancient Weapon Uranus.

#onepiece #onepiecetheory

This is going to be a pretty complex theory, because we’re connecting a few things together so do bear with me.

Of course, there’ll be some reaches and assumptions, but that’s what theories are all about, isn't it? Let’s go.

Also, I know there’s conversation about what is the “correct” translation. Sandman and Arthur have said their piece.

I’ll assume both Frame and Flame can be correct - I don’t think the official translator, who I’m hoping speaks to Oda’s editors, can get this wrong.

Let’s recap what we know about the Mother Frame.

1) It’s made by Vegapunk.
2) It’s speculated to be connected to the Void Century.
3) It can be activated by Imu and the Gorosei.

Because it’s made by Vegapunk, it’s possible that Mother Frame is not just a “killing machine”, and might have other uses (kinda like the dials in Syypiea).

The Mother Frame is dependent on it's controller - which, unfortunately for Lulusia, was Imu-sama.

From the name Mother Frame/Flame alone, there’s a few things we can infer.

Flame makes sense because it looks like it produced 16 pillars of flames. It might also suggest a connection with the “Eternal Flame” that Lilith mentioned back in 1065.

The word ‘frame’ can mean a few things, and there’s three that are relevant:

1) ‘Frame’ = structure. Mother Frame might be a flying structure of sorts.

2) ‘Frame’ = picture frame.

For meaning #3, I’ll come back to that at the end, but now let’s talk about mothers and frames.

In One Piece, we often see mothers in pictures frames after they’ve passed.

We see this with Queen Otohime, Queen Titi, Princess Scarlett when she faked her death, and that random picture frame at the bottom of the ocean.

The most interesting instance is Mother Carmel. Her picture frame was so important that it was Big Mom’s biggest weakness.

In a way, the photo of the Mother within the Frame could be used to control Big Mom.

An aside - pictures are more important than we think.

In the story, it’s how we communicate who is ‘wanted’.

We see this in Wanted Posters, when Baroque Works took down their liking, when their picture was taken in Skypiea, and last, with Oz.

With that said, I believe the flying object isn’t just a mechanical device. It’s living creatures that can be controlled.

The Mother Frame is a dragon cage containing 16 dragons, under the control of its wielder.


We know Vegapunk has made them - they’re the first creatures we saw in Punk Hazard.

We also know that they once existed - Ryuma slew a dragon once.

Last, we also know that dragons are so important, the World Nobles named themselves after them and use their symbol.

If 16 dragons used Blast Breath at the same time, this is what it’ll look like.

On the flip side, we know dragons can control the weather to some extent.

If used for the good, the Mother Frame can be useful too.

Now, let’s link this back to the Ancient Weapons.

Could there be a similar flying object with 16 dragons in the past? Possibly, but no. I think Mother Frame is a copy of the power of Uranus.

If Poseidon is the power over sea kings, I believe Uranus is the power over dragons.

I've theorized that Nami might be the identity of Uranus. Won't go into too much detail here, but you can check out this thread to read more:

Now this is where the word “Mother” comes in.

Uranus makes one the Dragon Sovereign…or another way to put it, the Mother of Dragons. Vegapunk’s invention imitates the power of the Uranus, the Mother of Dragons.

Kind of like Daenarys from Game of Thrones.

Now, let’s go back to the third meaning of “frame”.

To “frame someone” is to “make a person seem guilty of something they’re not.”

If the name is indeed Mother Frame, it'll be perfect because it tricks the dragons into thinking that the Frame is Uranus.

So to recap - Vegapunk has invented a device that lets someone control dragons, by mimicking the power of Uranus. This is the Mother Frame.

It’ll probably look like a floating cage with 16 dragons, with a literal human face - the Mother.

Kind of like Maxim from the Skypiea arc.

The face of Maxim is the face of Mother.

Interestingly, it was Nami that Eneru tried to bring up to the endless Varse. Coincidence, or Goda foreshadowing? You decide.

Now - in the event that the Mother Frame is destroyed, it’ll potentially unleash 16 dragons into the world.

Thankfully, Nami might be there to save the day.

Interesting, isn’t it? Nami’s motherly qualities, something we saw in Punk Hazard, might become an actual plot point.

Speaking of Punk Hazard…could the hole in the middle of the island be the origin of Mother Frame? Possibly, maybe?

That’s enough theories for the day. If you made it here, thank you for your time, and do like and RT. ☺️

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