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Il mio amico è un gatto NFA | You are responsible for your investment. https://t.co/AvjqXuoyOH

Jun 12, 2023, 8 tweets

GM!! to my 18 active followers

Say a GM! back and quickly check on this rundown as soon as you can. Shared this a week ago on our Telegram channel.

------------- Deadline - June 14th

Mini-thread 🧵 -- #inj #zealy #mcatfam

⛳️ Visit Zealy ::
✨ The slide after the next one shows you how to get your #INJ address

⛳️ Visit Galxe (follow INJ on Galxe too)

Injective Free NFT mint Coming on 14th JUNE for "Supporter NFT Holders

⛳️ Create your INJ Wallet by connecting Metaamask
✨ Copy address and send minimum INJ for gas

⛳️ Visit Guild :


Mint schedule
✨ Ninja Pass Holders
✨ Injective early users
Campaign winners from Jun 14, 23, 02:00 PM to Jun 14, 23, 03:00 PM

I'll distribute little $INJ in our telegram group to our members
Join here :

Minting page ::

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