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Jun 12, 2023, 7 tweets

⚡️ How to make 40 transactions using #LayerZero for 1$

If you want to get $ZRO $LZR airdrop but don't want to spend a lot of money, this thread will help you a lot.

Spending just $1 can make 40 transactions that go through LayerZero. All we need to do is to play Defi Kingdoms.


It is important to note that LayerZero wrote about @DeFiKingdoms themselves, and the CEO played it at the AMA


Here we go!

First we need 1 USDC on Polygon network
(you can bridge and swap at the same time here)…


Now bridge USDC to DFK Chain here
(the slippage is large , but we don't mind it)…


Now go to the game and connect the wallet

- Then go to the marketplace

- Click on the Trader and Swap USDC to Jewel

- Now swap 0.01 Jewel to DFKGOLD


- After go to Inventory, click on Gold and then "Bridge token"

- Approve token and bridge

- Repeat until Jewel runs out ( ≈ 40 transactions)

You can check your transactions at

✅ Done!

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