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🇮🇳 Account Dedicated to our Soldiers who came back wrapped in Tricolour 🇮🇳

Jun 13, 2023, 9 tweets


He was posted in Sri Lanka during Op Pawan as a personal bodyguard of an Indian General. Once he was sitting in an open jeep, an LTTE terrorist threw a grenade at the jeep. He caught it and threw it back to the terrorist. The terrorist died.

Due to the grenade explosion his head was blown off into pieces. After this, he was nick-named ‘Cobra’ by his colleagues.

Later in the same Operation, he was assigned to rescue 36 Indian soldiers captured by LTTE. He sailed the river, saved soldiers and killed 39 militants.

Naik Digendra Kumar was awarded Sena Medal in 1993 for his anti-terrorist operations in the Kupwara area of Jammu-Kashmir.
In 1994, his services were appreciated for recapturing the Hazratbal Shrine from terrorists.

During Kargil War in 1999, he was a member of the commando team of 2 RAJ RIF, which was tasked to recapture Point 4590 at Tololing under the leadership of Maj Vivek Gupta, MVC (P).
He promised General @Vedmalik1 that he would hoist Indian Tri-colour at the top of Point 4590.

The team moved upwards for 16 hours and came in contact with the enemy. The enemy was in a well-entrenched position in eleven bunkers. Pakistani machineguns started firing. Subedar Bhanwar Lal, Lance Naik Jasvir, Naik Surendra and Naik Tewatia were killed in action.

Naik Digendra got injured. He received his first bullet in his arm. Unmindful of his injury, he went on firing and destroyed the first of the eleven enemy bunkers with a grenade. Major Vivek Gupta, the leader of the team was also killed in action. His ammunition got finished.

He threw 18 grenades in 11 bunkers. He led the remaining soldiers but received 3 bullet wounds and 18 bullets in his bullet-proof jacket.
Despite the enraged ‘Cobra’ killed 48 enemy-soldiers including Pakistani Major Anwar Khan in hand-to-hand combat.

He himself destroyed the last enemy bunker and was the first to reach Point 4590. He fulfilled his promise. He hoisted Indian Tri-colour and only then he fell unconscious. His colleagues brought him back in critically wounded condition.
He was later awarded Mahavir Chakra.

He retired from Indian Army on 31st July 2005.


वीर भोग्य वसुंधरा
"The Brave Shall Inherit the Earth".

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