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Defi chad • Content writer & Marketer • Airdrops • 100x gems • ANGEL INVESTOR • KOL @SeedifyFund @Chain_GPT • NFA & DYOR

Jun 13, 2023, 15 tweets


The second CHANCE SEI bridge test event

POSSIBLE $200 to $500 Airdrop 🤲🏾

A thread 🧵


Do like and rt for your frens 🫶🏽


For those of us that this is our first time of interacting with $SEI ecosystem, it’s advisable you download COMPASS wallet @compass_wallet as your primary wallet .

There are other wallets like leap and Keplr but for this thread we will be using compass .


Download and save your 12 words secret phrase , write it down and never share it with anyone.

Now let’s get into the real deal , remember not to expect too much $200 is money ( zero hopium this side )


Now after you’ve finished setting up your compass wallet , you can easily request for $sei testnet token from inside the wallet or from the bridge link app.sei.io/bridge

You will will receive 0.1 worth of $sei testnet token ( you will need it for gas )


For this event , you will be needing both your COMPASS wallet and your MET@MASK wallet , cos we will be bridging $MATIC from the Mumbai network on met@mask to your compass wallet and Vice versa.

So to add the Mumbai network manually to your met@mask use the diagram below


We would’ve easily used chainlist.org to add the network 👆🏾automatically but as of early this morning I couldn’t access the website for some reasons unknown to me , so I did it manually.

Now let’s request for $matic faucet tokens from faucet.polygon.technology


Select Mumbai network and choose matic token , you will get 0.2 $matic testnet token , I requested twice and got 0.4 , I guess maybe it was my first time .

Cos after that I had to wait for some couple hrs to request again .


So we’ve got gas on sei wallet ,matic tokens on Mumbai network, now for the cross-chain experience

Using the bridge link app.sei.io/bridge

We already connected it to our compass wallet on first diagram

In the second diagram we will connect to our met@mask wallet


Then in this diagram you will copy and paste your $sei address then select the amount of $matic you want to bridge .

I used 0.3 $matic left 0.1 for gas .

Bridging from met@mask to sei was easy but doing the reverse is a little difficult.


What I did was , after waiting for it to bridge from Sei to metamask and it was taking forever, I went to bed woke up refreshed the page then I bridged .

I bridged 0.2 $matic leaving 0.1 in the wallet ( even tho I didn’t see my bal ) I believed it was there .


Now the gas fee for bridging is 0.1 $matic . So not to have a failed transaction I would advise you make room for gas fees too .

And yes I was able to bridge back to MetaMask.

End of $200 worth $sei airdrop task 🫶🏽

If this thread was useful pls do like , rt and follow @offshoda

Join my TG : t.me/+n4sj-UX_vXtkM…

Don’t forget to rt 👇🏾 thank you 🙏🏾

For this thread to be complete, I had to show that bridging back from $sei to met@mask is possible , we just need to be patient

Here in the first diagram is the bal of $WMATIC i have on $sei

The second diagram is the bal of $matic I have in my met@mask

So I bridged back the total amount I had on $sei which was 0.2 $wmatic

These diagrams below would explain the process more

You could see the approve transaction in my wallet , and in the last diagram you could see transfer complete

After the whole process , this is now the total bal of $matic in my metam@sk wallet .

I had to reveal some transactions so you could see that I bridged .

Thank you so much for reading and also taking action.

Your questions here and in the dms said it all .

I’m grateful 🫶🏽

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