Jonathan Zachreson Profile picture
Father, Husband, @ReopenCASchools Founder, @StudentsFirstCA Co-Founder, Recently Elected School Board Member; @ProtectKidsCA Supporter

Jun 13, 2023, 13 tweets

“Many [transgender] children are not safe in their own homes because of a non-affirming caretaker.”

Author of #AB957 said at the bill’s hearing today. This bill would require a parent affirm their child’s “gender identity” or else risk losing custody of their child.

“If both parents are accepting of the child’s gender identity, this issue will not be the thing that tips the scale towards any parent.”

A witness in favor of the bill says affirming a child’s gender identity is the only acceptable approach, including surgery if the child wants it.

This bill is absent on if male, female, or non-binary identities are the limit. Neo-pronouns and an infinite number of gender……

“My daughter was murdered by gender ideology.”

This witness in opposition shares her heartbreaking story of how her daughter was taken from her, encouraged to medically transition by her school & peers, and used as a prop to raise money. She ultimately died by suicide at 19.

Many Democrat committee members said they would advance the bill, but would oppose it on the senate floor unless the bill is modified.

Here is Senator Allen’s comments.

Senator Niello raises concerns how treating gender dysphoria via “affirmation” is relatively new and anything but settled science.

“If you love your children, flee California!”

Senator Wilk says we need to start protecting parents. He’s fed up with the assault on families in California and says he plans on “moving to America” when he retires.

Great catch and analysis here. This bill is very intentional in what the authors want - to coerce parents into one way to handle a child who might be confused.

Woah! Assemblymember Wilson makes her intent of the bill crystal clear in her closing statements - and that is to remove judicial discretion and make affirming the child’s gender ideology the only option (if you want to keep custody).

The hearing wouldn’t be complete without gaslighting from Senator Wiener.

He suggests opposing this bill that would force parents affirm every aspect of a child’s gender identity else risk losing custody is “also an attack on gay and lesbian kids.”

In the end, AB 957 passes out of committee 8-1, with some members absent. Based on comments and concerns from several Democrat Senators today, I’m hopeful it dies on the Senate floor.

Also worth noting hundreds spoke out in opposition. Those opposing in person seemed to last forever and the committee chair limited phone opposition to only 15 minutes.

Final vote count in the Senate Judiciary Committee was 8-2-1. The two Republicans on the committee voted no.

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