Jack White 🔶 🇺🇦 #VoteLibDem #RejoinEU #SlavaUk Profile picture
Author of "Operation Suitcase & Operation Boris". He/Him #SaveUkraine #SaveGaza #VPDFO #BLM #Transrights 🏳️‍⚧️ #RejoinEU #HelpUkraineWin #NAFO #FBPE

Jun 14, 2023, 13 tweets

Have we finally solved the mystery of the 2018 Lebedev Villa guest? The 25 yr old Borisov ennobled SPAD who worked for Sharma who met Russian spy Mifsud who Johnson also met and worked for a PR coy (Portland) that was contracted to the Russian govt @lukeharding1968

Could this be our Baroness Spad aged 19 in 2012 on the Right?

There's a resemblance it seems

So Charlotte worked for Nigel Adams who shared her 50% with Boris Johnson as a parliamentary assistant. Another Adams assistant worked for Conservative Friends of Russia

One of Joseph Mifsud's friends, Monaco based Swiss lawyer Stefan C Roh renamed his company Inverhold Ltd weeks after the GRU Novichok nerve agent attack on Salisbury to "The No Vichok Ltd " Funny. The Company disolved 9 days before Putin attacked Kyiv. buzzfeednews.com/article/albert…

So Charlotte Owen appears on the PRCA Public Affairs register for Portland Communications for Mar-May 2016 at the time they were working for the Libyan Investment Authority, Qatar and Kazakhstan. (also still working for the Russian Government Digital BBQ) prca.org.uk/sites/default/…

At the moment in 2016 a Trump aide was in London meeting the Maltese Professor (named by FBI dir James Comey as a Russian Spy), the EU Referendum was being waged Owen's next boss Alok Sharma whose father knew Mifsud would meet Mifsud as would Borisov. theguardian.com/us-news/2017/o…

Portland was tweeting for Moscow

A reconstructed CV for Lady Owen, note her early intern work for Johnson in 2016 and for Sharma when Johnson went to Lebedev's KGB Italian palace. Worked for Portland during EU Ref when they we running the #digitalBBQ for Brexit bloggers like Milo and Jag at the Russian Embassy

In fact Owen was working for Portland in August 2016 according to the APPC Register, so for the duration of the EU Ref from Mar-Aug 16. Interestingly Carrie Symonds as Whittingdales Spad got free tickets to the Chelsea Flower Show from Portland on 24/5/15 register.prca.org.uk/wp-content/upl…

So according to the 2023 Cabinet to Report to parliament on the Honours System, the whole process takes 12 months, so Lady Owen's Peerage was presumably rec'd in 2022. Worst still the document states all recommendations are personally approved by HM King assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/upl…

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