Keir Harding Profile picture
Occupational Therapist Providing training, consultancy & alternatives to long term hospitalisation for those who self harm and are recurrently suicidal

Jun 14, 2023, 7 tweets

Really interested in this from @GaryWinship

While services are so frightened I don't think they can conceive of sharing power and decisionmaking with patients (members?) #BIGSPD23

Therapeutic communities have been around for a while... #BIGSPD23

Just had a comment about a pioneer interested in "the other 23 hours". Therapy isn't just the therapy time. #bigspd23 #rcot23

Is there much communalism or democratisation in services these days? Would we want it? #BIGSPD23

£7000 for an essay on therapeutic communities? Sounds worth a pop. #BIGSPD23

How much have TCs influenced KUF training? (Lived experience and clinical facilitators delivering coproduced training)

These are the TCs in the UK.

More than I thought to be honest. #bigspd23

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