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Jun 14, 2023, 21 tweets

THREAD: Proof Hillary Clinton deserves a Nobel Peace. Prize for what the Clinton Foundation did to Haiti.

On August 7, 2020, The FBI announced a new investigation on email leaks from Hillary that verified how the Clintons supported child abductow Laura Silsby” including an email “where they literally priced how much it costs to transport children.”


Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge, is the individual in question. On January 29, 2010, she was arrested attempting to abduct 33 children from Haiti. It has been reported that the majority of these children were not even orphans and had families.

Hillary Clinton and Laura have emails dating back to 2001 found in Laura's archives discussing her NGO. Despite Laura's claims of planning to construct an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, their authorities said no application was submitted by her so she relocated to Haiti.

Upon assuming a prominent role in Haiti, Hillary Clinton reportedly intervened to secure the release of Laura Silsby, who had been detained on charges of human trafficking. Laura’s attorney was Jorge Puello Torres, convicted sex trafficker

Jorge Torres:…

Laura Silsby a convicted pedophile changed her name to Laura Gayler and currently works for alertsense company that issues Amber Alerts. This was possible due to Hillary Clinton’s intervention with Laura’s 2010 human trafficking case.

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Organ harvesting is a very lucrative business, it is intensified when you consider melanated organs, which cost more than organs without it. Melanin currently costs more than gold, silver, platinum, palladium rhodium and coltan combined so Haiti had value:…

Hillary Clinton was focused on Haiti’s value prior to its 2010 earthquake. On November 21, 1998 Hillary Clinton took George Soros to Haiti to review the infrastructure, culture and population of HaitÅçn communities to help him to decide where he wanted to invest his money.

The Clintons were behind Haiti global response. The Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC) was created after the earthquake and Bill Clinton was selected as co-chair, Hillary Clinton was still Secretary of State thus was responsible for channeling USAID relief spending to Haiti

On March 20, 2015, The Washington Post published an article verifying that Hillary Clinton’s brother Tony Rodham was added to advisory board of VCS Mining which mine gold in Haiti by obtaining 1 of 2 very rare gold exploitation permit which was the first given in over 50 years.

"Immediately after the earthquake, the Clintons also collected about $30 million for Haiti through the Clinton Foundation. From the foundation's taxes, we know that only about 10 percent of funds were spent on charity, so only about $3 million were spent on Haiti. #MORBLEU

"In their biggest project, the Clintons used $400 million in aid and US taxpayer funds to build what amounted to a sweatshop," the website read, referring to yet another controversial project kicked off by the Clintons in Haiti — the Caracol Industrial Park.

Hillary Clinton raised over $13 billion with the Clinton-Bush-Haiti Fund of January 16, 2010, she also recruited Hollywood to gain an additional $57 million in 24 hours with her January 22, 2010 “High Hopes for Haiti Concert.” The Clinton/Bush Fund banner is visible.

Donald Trump was the only presidential candidate who highlighted the Clinton-backed earthquake recovery project in Haiti was an absolute scam, Dr. Dady Chery, a Haitian-born journalist, told Sputnik, adding that Haitian-Americans aren't the only ones who want the Clintons in jail

"Many aspects of Clinton's dictatorship continue today. First, there is the fact that more than 96% of Haiti's reconstruction funds have disappeared properties” Haitian born journalist Dr. Cherry told Sputnik on November 23, 2016. Democrats, why is most of this info archived?

On July 6, 2007, a 23-page letter from Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers Alan Dershowitz and Gerald Lefcourt stated that Epstein was Co-founder of the Clinton Global Initiative which became the Clinton Foundation. The letter was tied to a successful plea deal before Epstein was charged.

Hillary Clinton and the Foundation’s connection to Jefrey Epstein and George Soros is concerning but black people globally should be concerned of her admiration of verified racist eugenist Margaret Sanger who created Planned Parenthood to lower the negro population

Nick Cannon:

As of today Haitians inside and outside of America are still protesting against Hillary Clinton, The nation of Haiti claims that they feel as if they have been robbed of their wealth, resources and children. @WeAreMorbleu

On November 6, 2016, an email leak from John Podesta and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign revealed that Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton, had her wedding paid for utilizing relief Haiti relief funds from the Clinton Foundation. Ghislaine Maxwelll was also a guest

This was my most requested THREAD and it took around 2 months to complete. If you would like to donate for my independent work I will add he link below. If I ever get Clinton’d you will receive a refund on your donations. Thank you everyone!…

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