Vaishnavi Jayakumar Profile picture
Co-founder, Member DRA @DisabilityIndia, free thinker, Horton fan

Jun 15, 2023, 13 tweets

THREAD : I only recently learnt that nearly all NTA tests are computerised.

This means that exam centres are dependent on computer labs of private colleges or on standalone online testing centres.

Elections have taught us, that any private institution, is bad news for access..

Whether school or college, private organisations seem blissfully unaware that they're required by law to provide accessibility by 15-6-2022.
Private schools as polling booths have steadfastly refused to install permanent ramps despite a decade of advocacy…

So the Varanasi online testing centre (others weren't any better) had this steep incline masquerading as a wheelchair ramp last afternoon.

NTA was patient with our bombarding solutions by 4 architects for a temporary ramp before 3 pm today. So were Varanasi district officials.

Given paucity of time, we suggested any outdoor event pandal maker to put up a raised platform (covering the steps) with a ramp on the side. With our experience on the ground, with planks & poles this is doable. But 24 hours of relentless follow up yielded this alternate entrance

It seems like we have not progressed in the last decade from thinking that a ramp for wheelchair use can be equated to steps smoothened into an incline.
Or any single wooden plank resting on steps.

You can have ramps at ridiculous inclines for cycles, motorcycles & trolleys ...

But a ramp for wheelchair use cannot be steeper than a 1:12 gradient (if not 1:20, which is ideal for independent use by some spinal cord injured people).
That means for every foot height of step, 12 feet ramp length is needed.

A permanent cement ramp with grab rails is best..

But if there's no permanent ramp and the Disabled Indian's Freedom Day was 15-6-22, how is it we're not doing better with temporary ramps?
Casuarina poles & planks of the pandal maker are ubiquitous. This wedding had a ramp (with railings) to the stage for disabled wellwishers!

Unsecured planks propped on steps & built stair-ramps are an abomination in a nation proud of jugaad skills!
With metro work safety standards, surely scaffolding companies' supplies can be hired to provide safe, sturdy temporary ramps with adjustable jack props & grooved planks?

Today's a year since the Disability Act's deadline to make India accessible to ALL Indians. Leading up to 15 June 2022, we'd planned a campaign for our freedom day - when spaces out of bounds for many with mobility disabilities could be transmogrified as free inclusive spaces...

The campaign was called 'Where is OUR Azadi' because the 75 years of Indian Independence @AmritMahotsav celebrations left disabled people behind again. The @MSJE_AIC flagship campaign has yielded many audit reports with little to no accessibility fixed on ground!

After the scary video (not at liberty to share) of @imlikaboota 's brother bravely going up the dangerous plank-ramp, I was reminded of the (luggage?) 'ramp' fiasco at Chennai's 400 crore spanking new Central Square - on the eve of our 'Independence' Day!

As for @DG_NTA? We hope to continue engaging - after the promising first meeting, they're on board with this letter's POA :…
With private sector unaware of its responsibilities, exam centre access is going to be an uphill task, given current understanding!

Finally, shout out to architects who struggled with 2 photos & 0 info, to make these designs that could be executed overnight & understood by local carpenters / contractors for 1 candidate in 1 exam centre in Varanasi.

(I'm still too embarrassed to show 'em final 24 hour ramp!)

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