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Life Coach, Vedic and Tantra Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, psychology, PLR

Jun 16, 2023, 10 tweets

On Kundalini
#kundalini #yoga

When the mind is fixed at Kutastha, a strong current of prana rises through the chakras in the spine producing at the ajna chakra a wondrous sound called nada.
#kundalini #yoga

It is called the conch shell of Sri Krishna because it is heard at the ajna chakra seat of Kutastha or krishna consciousness. With this sound a light appears at the ajna chakra~ Sri Sri Pranahamsa Yoganandaji Maharaj
#kundalini #yoga…

The light or sound or vibrations that are seen, felt or heard within are the three divine qualities of Consciousness. It is believed that concentration on the ajna chakra brings all other chakras under its command
#kundalini #yoga…

"Just as a drop seen under a microscope reveals it as a complex ever system of dancing particles, the Universe reveals its mysteries to the yogi who uses his special perceptive faculty of the Ajna chakra.
#kundalini #yoga

He thus comes to possess knowledge that ordinary man does not have access to. The ajna chakra is the transmitting station from which the yogi can send messages in the form of thought waves to other humans or highly evolved beings"~ Maheswarnath Babaji
#kundalini #yoga…

The yogi who has truly awakened the ajna chakra can communicate with other people through thoughts. This is called Telepathy, the ajna or kutastha is the seat of divinity
#kundalini #yoga

"I saw four Vedas, Brahma, Visnu and Maheswar(Lord Shiva) inside the Yoni(between the eyebrows)~ Lahiri Mahasaya
#kundalini #yoga…

"I saw a blue color in the light, in the blue I saw a white Spot(Bindu) and in the white Spot, i saw a man who manifested himself as a Hindu, English man,etc,etc~ Lahiri Mahasaya
#kundalini #yoga…

Performing kumbhaka and gazing at kutastha and seeing and also feeling the differing lights and different feelings leads the seeker to cosmic consciousness whereby he thus feels oneness with all that is and all that is not.
#kundalini #yoga…

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