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Life Coach, Vedic Astrologer, Palmist, Healer, Tarot, Akashic Records, Tantra/spiritual workshops, Spiritual Scientist, astro psychology,PLR

Jun 17, 2023, 6 tweets

Granthi is a Sanskrit term meaning "doubt" or "knot;" more specifically, it denotes "a difficult knot to untie."
#kundalini #yoga…

The term is found in yogic literature and refers to knotted areas of energy, which can block the flow of prana in the body.
#kundalini #yoga

In Kundalini yoga, it is said that granthis can be responsible for preventing prana from rising up through sushumna nadi (the central channel of the energetic body).
#kundalini #yoga…

As such, these knots prevent one's full potential from being unleashed and restricts spiritual development.
#kundalini #yoga

They are barriers to freedom and spiritual liberation (moksha). Granthis are unblocked specifically through Bhastrika Pranayama and Kumbhaka with Bandhas.
#kundalini #yoga…

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