P.k. Ditty Profile picture
WATER PROTECTOR FOR LIFE, and beyond. Living on Lenni Lenape land. Mni Wiconi. treat all things as spirit. realize we are one family. my thoughts are my own.

Jun 17, 2023, 7 tweets

#AirQualityAlert 🧵🧵please be mindful of your exposure as well as your fury friends 🐾🐕exposure today. The PM2.5 is elevated in the region. The VOCs are also showing to be elevated, in fact quite concerning in some areas. @PSRPennsylvania @PAHealthDept @GovernorShapiro

In Westmoreland (around the MAX landfill area) @ThePurpleAir VOC sensors are showing some concerning numbers. @youghrvrkeeper

The Aliquippa/Beaver area is also showing some very high VOC readings. @BreatheProject @inversion_doc @bcmac_

The Philly area is elevated more so in the suburbs, please be mindful of your time outside today. @PSRPennsylvania @LoraSnyPA @WWRPS1 @watchdog_sepa @Chester_EJ @foodandwaterPA @SenatorMuth @PHLPublicHealth @PhillyInquirer @PhillyThrive @xrphilly @susanphill

@ChescoGovt and @delawarecounty are showing some elevated numbers in VOCs. Be careful out there today! @WWRPS1 @ChesCoRamblings @UnlessPA @lib_lock @plain_l_jane @ChescoHealth

The Pittsburg area is quite high on PM2.5 this morning as well their VOCs are quite concerning - please be mindful of this when outdoors today. Protect you and your loved ones.🙏🐾💚 @GASPPgh @inversion_doc @O_R_V_I @BreatheProject @ClimateCorpsPgh @soopajx @BethSchongar @EHPinfo

Lancaster is not looking very good either 😞 @LebanonPipeline @LancasterGreens @Lanc_Chamber @lancstandsup

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