Susan Chubb#FBPA⚫️#RejoinEU 💙MIPO🌻🏴‍☠️ 🥀 Profile picture
gobby cancer survivor, UK Govt response to Covid19UK breaks EUCHR Article 2 thoughts & opinions are my own.

Jun 17, 2023, 19 tweets

I have just been looking at this network on

I haven't yet found Castle Point with regard to Dominic Johnson, but did find Somerset Capital , and from there, Gordonstoun, and Ex -Whightlink Director Russel Kew.

screen shot; Russell Martin Kew

how that involves #SolentLEP in thier history; and #SolentFreeportConsortium.

What caught my eye before I found Gordonstoun was the Africa Power name seen here;,+David+L…

screenshot ;the darker turquiose dot is the node I clicked on.

Next few replies are me using the back button, one click per screen.

see the name at the top and on the screen notated with a grey line, means Ex- director.

I used the name 'Diggle' fromm the article higher up the thread to make sure I ended up as close as possible to the right people, also in the hope of coming across other names that are likely to be co -directors.

next screen; biggger screenshot; note the names at the top;


two screen on; see bottom rh corner of the previous sreen for the name i followed.,+D…

the name i had clicked on before this name is seen in the top L.H Corner here.

Ends up in Bermuda and Europe, Luxemburge if you follow this route.

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