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Yezidis are ethno religious group one of world oldest religions. #YazidiGenocide #YazidiPlight #Ezidxan, follow backup

Jun 18, 2023, 9 tweets

This is a Yezidi girl who was rescued from lSlS female terrorists in Al Hul camp where lSlS family setup a new caliphate!
She is the only survivor from her family after she lost her parents and youngest brother.

Europa repatriated lSlS women instead of victims like this girl.

Faiza has been rescued from ISIS captivity in 2019.
lSlS tried to convince her to convert to lsIam and used r@pe to convert them.

She was rescued and welcomed by her community.

2707 Yezidis are still missing.

A Yezidi family escaping from lSlS in Shingal mountains in august 2014.

Genocide still ongoing.

Hania was a child when she was kidnapped by lSlS in 2014.
Within a year, she was ensIaved and r@ped by several ISlS terrorists in Syria and Iraq.
In 2015 she was freed and has had to spend 1/2 with her family ever since.

She visited school again and was the best in her class.

A Yezidi mother meets her daughter after 9 years in lSlS captivity.

Her daughter was kidnapped by lSlS from iraq, sold to Syria and rescued from Turkey.

She was kidnapped by lSlS and r@ped for years in lSlS captivity.

When she escaped her love married her.

They tried to convince Yezidis that if they r@ped them they become MusIims, but Yezidis didn’t give up for evil ldeology!

A Yezidi mother returned to her destroyed home in Shingal after 9 years at IDP camps.
lSlS destroyed everything!

This Yezidi boy was kidnapped by lSlS and starved to convince him to be a fighter.
lSlS starved children to fight for food and starved women to r@pe them.

They surrounded Yezidis on Shingal mountain and gave them two choices:

Either convert to lsIam or be kiIIed.

Yezidis have chosen to die,but not all were lucky to run to mountains:
7000 were fallen in lSlS hands, 10,000 were killed among them old people and children over 14 yrs

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