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Jun 19, 2023, 25 tweets

The Bio-Weapon Twins
The Bioweapon Origins of the Sars-CoV 2 Virus and the mRNA "Vaccines."
Recent revelations about the U.S. Defense Department (DARPA) origins of the SARS CoV1 and SARS CoV2 virus research sheds new light on the COVID-19 pandemic.


On March 15, 2016, in sworn Congressional testimony, Victoria Nuland, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State, briefed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing in a report titled “Ukrainian Reforms Two Years……

Recent questions about the U.S. Defense Department (DARPA) origins of the SARS CoV1 and SARS CoV2 virus research sheds new light on the COVID-19 Pandemic.4 Serious questions about the origins, design, nature, and true purpose of the mRNA “Vaccine” demand a closer look into the……

The U.S. Biolab History in Ukraine.
Senators Lugar and Senator Obama
By its own admission, the U.S. Department of Defense started funding Level 3 Biolabs in Ukraine shortly after a visit to Ukraine and Russia by Senators Dick Lugar and Barack Obama in 2003. They were there in……

That trip to Russia and Ukraine by then-Senator Obama, and the resulting legislation passed in Congress updated and revised the 1991 “Nunn-Lugar Act.” The Nunn-Lugar Act created the “Cooperative Threat Reduction Program,” which “provided funding and assistance to help the former……

In 2018 in the leadup to the current Ukraine-Russia war and the ramp-up of the second Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, Russia accused the U.S. of running a bio lab in Ukraine. The same Interium Central Reference Laboratory bio lab touted years by Obama et al. *1


DARPA-Creating The mRNA Monster.
The SARS-CoV1 monster was isolated in 2003. On April 12, 2003, scientists working at the Michael Smith Genome Sciences Centre in Vancouver finished mapping the genetic sequence of a coronavirus believed to be linked to SARS. *13


The team was led by Marco Marra and Caroline Astell and worked in collaboration with the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Manitoba, using samples from infected patients in Toronto. Eventually, thousands of……

SARS stands for Sudden Acute Respiratory Syndrome” and is a generic term for a class of particularly Coronaviruses named for the virus's distinctive crown-like shape.
“Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate……

DARPA and the Department of Defense.
In 2013 DARPA began funding the development of mRNA with a grant of $25 million to Moderna to help establish its messenger RNA platform.16 That work led to the creation of the Biological Technologies Office in 2014 and the Pandemic Prevention……

And at around the same time, DARPA funded Duke University in 2017. *18

Through its 3P program under the guidance and support of Duke University’s “Human Vaccine Institute.” the groundwork for the “Gain of Function” research funded by Fauci through his cutout Peter Danzig at the……

The Deadly History of the U.S. Military, ARPA, and DARPA

DARPA started as ARPA, the “Advance Research Project Administration.” Which in turn was the creation of the nuclear research scientists at Laurance Livermore Labs. Some of the publicly acknowledged programs at DARPA……

The Human Terrain System Program.
Capturing Hearts and Minds

“The program also served a more insidious function: It became a propaganda tool for convincing the American public–especially those with liberal tendencies–that the US-led occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan were……

The Tuskegee Experiment.

The U.S. government has a disgraceful history of experimenting on its own population. The Tuskegee experiment began in 1932, at a time when there was no known cure for syphilis, a contagious venereal disease.

After being recruited by the promise of……

Operation Sea-Spray.

In 1950 the US Navy carried out Operation Sea-Spray.

The coast of San Francisco in California was sprayed with two types of bacteria, Bacillus globigii and Serratia marcesens. Eleven people were admitted to hospital with serious bacterial infections after……

In 1951, tests were carried out at the Norfolk Naval Supply Center in Virginia – a massive base that equips the US Navy.

Fungal spores were dispersed to see how they would infect workers unpacking crates there. Most of the workers were African-American, and the scientists……

In 1997, the National Research Council revealed that the US also used chemicals to test the potential of biological weapons in the 1950s.

Zinc cadmium sulfide was dispersed by plane and sprayed over a number of cities, including St Louis in Missouri and Minneapolis in……

Operation Big Itch

The US military also has a record of weaponizing infected insects. In 1954, for example, scientists carried out Operation Big Itch.

The test was designed to find out if fleas could be loaded into bombs (they could). *24A

The tests happened just a few years……

Project 112

There was a massive increase in testing in 1962 when then US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara authorized Project 112.

The project expanded bioweapons testing and pumped new funds into research. *25.


DARPA's Attack on New York Subway Riders.

One of the more controversial tests took place in 1966 on the New York subway. Scientists filled light bulbs with Bacillus globigii bacteria and then smashed them open on the tracks. *26

The bacteria traveled for miles around the subway……

Treason. Fauci’s Gain of Function

It is quite clear that the United State military and its unlimited budgets have been used for decades to unleash deadly experiments on innocents the world over; in my opinion, was taken to another level when the Sars-CoV2 virus, created by……

In early 2020 I began to read about a Chinese Virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, Ph.D. @DrLiMengYAN1

Dr. Yan is a Chinese virologist working on the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Hong Kong, China, when she noticed some unusual characteristics of the virus that indicated to her that the virus……

Fauci, Peter Danzig, and the EcoHealth Alliance.

In a 2014 grant funded by NIAID Director Tony Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins, scientists employed by EcoHealth Alliance “studied” Bat coronaviruses. The three altered viruses that resulted in all had increased virulence.……

The VIrus and Vaccine were designed Bio-WEAPONS OF THE FUTURE *30


Call your local Representative,
Call your Congressman,
Call your Senator,
Call the White House. Ask to speak to the Pedophile in charge.

Do what you can; World War III is on the horizon.

Traitorous Imbecile has his finger on the nuclear trigger.

God Help Us.

For the……

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