dave lawrence 🐟🐟🐠 Profile picture
A UK without poverty, for the NHS, for a sustainable future and a life without Tories or Farage #FBPE #LabourLandslide #KeepTheToriesOut

Jun 19, 2023, 7 tweets

A pathetic defence of Johnson by Nia Lici stating he did not mislead Parliament and that staff who had parties should not have put Ministers in a position where they could be implicated
#ToriesOut347 #SunakOut237 #GeneralElectionNow

Jake Berry also jumped in with defence of Johnson

Bill Cash
Attempted a defence on the basis of the original exclusion of the word knowingly from the motion

Jacob Rees Mogg
Tries to defend by stating the motivation was political

Dr Caroline Johnson
Another supporting Johnson - to be honest am not entirely sure why as it has to be one of the worst speeches in the house I've heard except whe believe certain information is missing

Nick Fletcher
Gave a rambling defence of Johnson

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