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Empowering Grassroots Communities in #Africa | #OpenData |#Education |#WASH| #Health |#Environment | #ICT4D | #OpenGov | #TechForGood | Founder/CEO👉 @HamzyCODE

Jun 19, 2023, 5 tweets

A healthy civic space allows CSOs & traditional media to report news/express opinions without fear of censorship or government interference👌

However, in recent times,there has been a disturbing trend of shrinking civic spaces and threats to press freedom(1/5)


We had a truly interactive workshop earlier today with other CSOs and Media houses on “Press Freedom” & “Effective Advocacy/Policy Influencing” aimed at strengthening the capacity of CSOs to combat the drivers of shrinking civic spaces👌(2/5)


Key issues like proliferation of misinformation and propaganda, which can erode public trust in the media and give room to introduction of censorship, & other ways media & CSOs unconsciously contribute to shrinking Civic spaces were critically analyzed (3/5)


The place of synergy & social responsibility in maintaining a healthy space were also highlighted👌

By actively engaging with other CSOs and the media, we hope to increase media literacy, jointly combat disinformation and unite to amplify our voices (4/5)


Against threats to press freedom and the civic space through effective policy advocacy ✊ (5/5)

Supported by @oxfaminnigeria


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