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I help Americans protect their children’s innocence & freedoms | Co-Founder @couragehabit | 🛍️ | Courage After Dark

Jun 19, 2023, 9 tweets

🧵#ExpelSEL The DeSantis Education Fraud - The transformation of education indoctrinating children ultimately comes down to the implementation of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). If you think Florida is leading the way to correct this sinister agenda; think again. Casey DeSantis

is all in on the corrupt agenda. She launched her First Lady mental health initiative “Building Resilience” claiming it would not teach to a mental illness rather teach “resiliency” to overcome challenges. That’s exactly what SEL is - a “proactive” mental health initiative

that claims to teach resilience. She isn’t reframing a damn thing. She’s doubling down on SEL brainwashing while making people think FL has done something groundbreaking. Her “revised” standards follow CASEL framework, data mine children, support the

radical school comprehensive counseling model, public-private partnerships and opens the door for business as usual for ideological teachers to prey on children.

SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING - innocuous language, sinister agenda.

Casey DeSantis “Through my Hope for Healing initiative, our collaborative efforts with government, community and private-sector partners have worked to maximize resources while holding ourselves accountable and driving meaningful outcomes.”…

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