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Astute Observer - 11B - Man with iPhone

Jun 20, 2023, 6 tweets

1) ☣️🦠Biological Update🦠☣️

Russian MIL drops new information on US Biological Network!

Russia acquired financial records on Bidens’ Metabiota, confirming it as the “key contractor” in US biological malfeasance worldwide!

Metabiota forced to cease all activity in Africa!🧵

2) Russian MoD brief starts with a quick recap on the US Walter Reed Army Institute of Research and their global network.

“Such a comprehensive approach all around the world allows the Pentagon to have access to different strains of contagious pathogens, which can be used as……

3) Russian MoD claims they have acquired documentation and financial records of Metabiota’s activity, namely in Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa, confirming that Metabiota has ceased all activity in Africa, due to the governments of these nations catching on to Metabiota’s illegal……

4) Russian MoD goes on to highlight the recent acceleration of US BSL-4 lab production, with currently 25 in use, 3 in production, and plans for 18 more to be built over the next few years, “most of which will be located beyond the national jurisdiction”.

This is how they……

5) Russian MoD goes on to highlight examples of US biosecurity breaches at home and abroad, their involvement in the increase in avian flu mortality rates via pathogen enhancement at the Veterinary lab in Kharkov, and their extensive study of vectors to have a vast array of……

6) Russian MoD concludes with yet another demand for a joint international investigation into the US Militaristic Biological activities as a whole.

“Thus, the United States, with the support of its allies, are conducting large-scale military-biological research aimed at finding……

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