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Low Cap Gem Hunter || Tweets are not Financial Advice

Jun 20, 2023, 11 tweets

Last time out, I wrote a thread on how to deploy contract on @zksync but many started and couldn't finish due to it's complexity.

Here is to how deploy a contract on Zksync the easiest way ever.


This is the link to my first thread on contract deployment.

Many people completed it but a Lot faded due to it's complexity, security concern(the private key part and not having a PC

NEW STRATEGY: You can use your main wallet for this (NFA)

1) Have some $ETH on #zkSyncEra ($3 is okay)

- Go to
-Click Contracts
-Connect your wallet at the Top-right (Make sure you are on ZkEra
-Click "Read to Deploy"

2) Choose which contract you wanna deploy

For the sake of the guide, I'm going with a token

3) Click on deploy now

4) Fill up the name, symbol and description.

Then click "Deploy Now"

You will be asked to sign two transactions in your wall£t.

5)You need to mint some tokens

-Go to the Tokens page
-Click mint
-Fill how many tokens you wanna mint
-Sign the transaction

Congratulations You just made two unique Transactions on #zkSyncEra

You can see it is easy and cheap.

It's also an unpopular activity that only few wallets have completed. If the team decides to add it to the criteria, We are all eating good 😍

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