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6'6; A20; The Bachelorette S17

Jun 28, 2023, 15 tweets

AI facial reconstruction of a Guanche mummy from the Canary Islands.

Known for their blonde hair, blue eyes, and strong physiques, this lost stone age sun-worshiping culture lived on islands in the Atlantic Ocean since the Younger Dryas.

We now know that the sunken 'Azores Plateau" used to be above the ocean prior to the cataclysmic Younger Dryas 14,000 years ago.

These blonde Guanches are likely the remnants of fleeing Atlanteans as sea levels catastrophically rose, sinking the continent leaving small islands.

According to Spanish fryers who interacted with Guanches before they were wiped out, as much as 25% of their first names began with "At."

This is certainly eyebrow raising as these Atlanteans lived in the "Sea of Atlas" on the "Island of Atlas"

This would explain the many myths in Mayan and pre-Columbian cultures of descriptions of "mythical" golden haired and a fair skinned race visiting the continent and bringing civilization and technology.

It would have been easy to sail from Atlantis to Brazil or Mexico back then.

Thor Heyerdahl, a Norwegian adventurer, proved that one could easily sail from the Canary Islands to Barbados and did it in 57 days in an Egyptian reed boat.

This triggered many archeologists and historians who thought that cross-Atlantic contact has never occurred.

Maybe @elonmusk would use some of his wealth to fund explorations of the sunken Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Azores Plateau via Sonar Ranging, Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, and Lidar sensing systems?

There's a whole continent down there.

Sitting at the bottom of Atlantic Ocean.

Described since Hesoid as a "beautiful" people "secure in soul." "Happy heroes" living quietly than on land that is so abundantly fruitful that they believed the land blessed.

Boccaccio wrote they were "handsome, uncircumsized, barefoot, courageous, intelligent, and strong."

According to Friar Espinosa, when the Spanish conquistadors first set out to the West, they encountered fierce resistance from these naked men without any weapons.

Apparently they were so strong that they could carry stones over their shoulders that not even the gigachad Spanish soldiers could do.

Their agility and dexterity was much superior.

They lived mostly in caves and stone or wood structures, in what was without question the last true paradise of so called Western man - a tropical land with volcanoes and palm trees, fruits and flowers, goats, sheep, warm ocean waves, and snowcapped mountains with pine forests.

Each summer they would gather for a huge celebration of all the tribes, an event that included dancing, singing, wrestling and bartering. People would be adorned with flowers and leaves and the young couples would meet and form family ties to help secure a future for their tribes

The Guanches were also famous for a whistle language.
It is a clever form of telephonic speech developed so that messages could be exchanged over mountainous terrain, or to alert all of the tribes that a ship was approaching.

A good performer can whistle messages 3-8 miles

They built temples, worshipped the sun, kept a calendar, mummified the dead deep in the caves, and observed the stars.

When the Spanish arrived, after wiping them out after hundreds of years, they discovered huge cave systems with hundreds of mummies.

This has led many to wonder if the ancient Egyptians and Atlanteans share a common source of knowledge regarding mummification.

I believe @SolBrah and many other frogs to be direct blood descendants of these long lost scattered people.

We will eventually return to our homeland when the ice walls come south and the sea levels fall.

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