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Jun 28, 2023, 6 tweets

Fox News is fact-checking Joe Biden's "Bidenomics" speech live in real time!

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Joe Biden loves to say that inflation is down, but his White House uses cherry picked data and skewed graphs to 'prove' it. In reality, inflation is still raging in America

Under Joe Biden, credit card debt has soared, while savings accounts have shrunk. Something is clearly wrong.

Higher prices, increasing interest rates, and shrinking savings means less people can afford to buy homes. Joe Biden has literally made it more expensive to live.

Because things more expensive under Joe Biden, Americans are effectively making LESS! That's what we would call a double-whammy.

MORE THAN HALF THE COUNTRY is living paycheck to paycheck in Joe Biden's America.

Joe can take his "Bidenomics" and dump it in the garbage where it belongs.

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