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Jun 28, 2023, 36 tweets

Current military situation in Paris (capital of France) and its surroundings.

The riot police of the French regime forces are mobilizing in Saint Denis north of Paris for a big operation.

Huge clashes continue, the use of bomb is also heard in the video (Clichy, North west Paris):

Nanterre right now (the green area in the military map), burn out cars.

Looks like some IED or other huge explosive material went off in Clichy:

Paris tonight transformed into a warfield.

The riot police of the regime forces can't handle it anymore, the next logical step would be to deploy the military armed forces of France.

The French regime army arrives in one of the affected neighbors in Paris.

Army police with 9mm PCC (MP5?) roaming the streets, you can hear the army police say the following:

"Fucker, stop or I'll kill you!"

For the first time since WW2 the Paris sirens are going off:

The town hall of Mons-En-Baroeul, near Lille, was ransacked.

Police car burning somewhere in Paris, a whole Police HQ was overrun.

Apparently the siren was activated because the rioters are currently trying to do a prison break and free all prisoners in Fresnes.


For the first time we can see rioters using weapons with live ammunition, here one is using a pump-action style rifle and trying to shoot CCTV (1984) cameras with it.

The prison in Fresnes is burning, a big prison break is expected. My theory is that high profile personalities of the French underworld are being freed by drugs criminals here.

Riot police gets attacked with molotov cocktails, the police responds with rubber bullets.

Barricades are being set up right now in the middle of the night by the rioters.

The prison in question has been breached by the rioters, the only question remains if they can overwhelm the prison guards and free the prisoners.

In Neuillysurmarne (eastern suburbs of Paris) a whole bunch of police cars are burning.

A protestor seen here with a double barreled shotgun.

Angela Davis (US black activist) school in Paris has been set on fire.

French special forces police unit (RAID) has been deployed the Fresnes prison.

DIY bomb made with Italian made Cobra 9 firework.

Some rioters are trying to rob a bank with angle grinders.


Another young man has been shot and killed by the French police.

Allegedly the information is still not confirmed and under verification, if true it happened Nanterre.

CCTV/cameras getting chopped off.

Rioter took over a public transport bus.

Riot police got chased away.

Riot police gets fired at with fireworks from a very close distant.

Rioters are using black powder revolvers (which is legal to buy and sell in France).

Police station on fire somewhere in Bagnolet, Paris Peoples Republic.

French police seen firing with live ammunition, sounds like 9x19 or .380 acp.

Meanwhile some arms dealers are trying to sell hand grenades and ammunition online to other rioters. Golden opportunity to make some business.

Rioter uses a real grenade against French riot cops.

Possible ID of the grenade in question:

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