Sam Wilkin Profile picture
Editor of Politico Pro. Convener of monthly Brussels journalist drinks - DM me to join! Sustainable traveller, amateur urbanist. EU citizen. Personal opinions.

Jul 7, 2023, 10 tweets

I didn't take any flights for almost 4 years, ending a couple of weeks ago.

Here's what I learned. Also, ask me anything! 🧵

1. Flying emits vastly more CO2 than equivalent train journeys, and even one flight is a huge proportion of your total carbon emissions. If you care at all about the climate, you should at least be aware and mindful of this.

2. 'Carbon offsetting' doesn't change this at all.…

3. Trains can take you further than you think, but it's a learning curve. Cross-border ticketing is a confusing a multi-step process. The EU could do something here: it shouldn't be left to brilliant individuals like @seatsixtyone ()

4. The advertising ecosystem is stacked in favour of flying, with misleading claims about journey times and costs. You need to train yourself to see past this (pardon the pun) - here are two easy tips:

- Compare total cost, not ticket cost. A train ticket takes you into the city centre and includes baggage. A €60 flight can easily reach €120 once you check in a bag and take a shuttle at each end. Do that calculation before making your flight/train comparison.

- Same with time and convenience. A 1-hour flight is actually a 4-hour journey with lots of standing around and 3-4 changes of seats. Wouldn't you rather a 5-hour journey on a single train, reading your book or watching the scenery go by?

5. For longer journeys, night trains are a great option - and they're making a comeback as more of us turn away from flying. Read our story here:…

- Night trains also benefit from 'total cost' thinking. They're often more expensive than a flight, but cheaper than a flight plus the first night in a hotel. Are you making the right calculation?

6. Trains are fun! You meet interesting people (and their dogs). Forcing myself not to fly for a few years led me on some great adventures, and I'll now fly much less than I used to. Try it for a year, and pass on the message 🌱

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