Jonathan Howard MD Profile picture
Author: We Want Them Infected: How the Failed Quest for Herd Immunity Led Doctors to Embrace Anti-Vaccine Movement

Jul 9, 2023, 17 tweets

I’m don’t do long twitter threads often. But I will now, and it’s not my fault.

But first, let’s look at two news stories. One from 2012 and the other from 2017.

And now our story begins with an adult oncologist who had many thoughts about teachers unions.

Many thoughts

Many thoughts

Many thoughts

How many times did you tweet about teachers unions?

Are there any RCTs that prove any of this?

Many thoughts

Many thoughts

Many thoughts.

Any other adult oncologists have so much to say about unions?

“I am a progressive.”

More thoughts

And we’re done.

So let’s circle back. And really ask yourself if some of the loudest voices against protecting kids from covid possibly had some bigger agenda.

And never forget that the politicization of science is a threat “worse than covid.”

In case you think this whole thread is unfair.

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