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Jul 11, 2023, 12 tweets

Satoshi chose to release the Bitcoin whitepaper on October 31, 2008 via an email list. But why?

Here's a MEGA THREAD 🧵 with the easter eggs embedded in the dates surrounding Bitcoin's birth, to help us connect the dots about the ultimate goal behind its creation:

October 31 marks the beginning of the Protestant Reformation 500 years ago.

When the monk Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenberg protesting what he believed were the abuses of the Roman Catholic Church.

In 1500, the Church was a centralizing force. The pope had an army, charged taxes, and "indulgences", a fee to reduce time in purgatory.

Few people could read, books were expensive, and news spread by word of mouth. The church was the only source of news and education.

Luther recognized the church's abuses of power and initiated a peaceful and separatist movement known as the Protestant Reformation.

It was one of the greatest renunciations of centralized power in Western history.

Luther translated the Bible, previously only available in Latin for the priests to read.

He envisioned each person becoming a scholar on their own and having a direct relationship with God without needing to rely on third parties.

This change accelerated with the creation of the printing press, which allowed documents to be replicated and the Bible to be distributed in the spoken language cheaply for the first time.

This removed the church's role as the sole source of information and culture at the time.

From there, the Church became a voluntary organization and no longer autocratic.

Could this not be the future of governments? First, the separation of religion and the state, now the separation of money from the state.

Central banks have no power over Bitcoin, it's the Protestant Reformation of money.

The world changed after the church and state separated. Imagine the change if governments lost the power to print money for their own benefit at the expense of everyone's purchasing power.

And yet, Satoshi left another Easter egg correlating the dates of Bitcoin with the Protestant Reformation.

January 3rd, when the genesis block was mined, is the day Martin Luther was excommunicated by the Pope at the time.

As always, those who centralize power do not tolerate the creation of tools that liberate people.

Satoshi would have been persecuted and excluded as well, which is the main reason for his disappearance and anonymity to this day.

That's why the release of the whitepaper on October 31st was no coincidence. Satoshi left the dots exposed for whoever wants to connect them.

Bitcoin is the separation of money from the state.

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