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Jul 13, 2023, 10 tweets

10 Teachers You Should Know About:

1. Friedrich Fröbel (1782-1852)

He was the founder of the concept of 'kindergarten', pioneering the understanding that early childhood is a crucial period for learning.

His teaching methodology focused on play, activity, and creativity.…

2. Sal Khan (1976-present)

Founder of the Khan Academy, which has a mission of providing a free world-class education for anyone, anywhere.

They are well on there way, offering counltess online courses that have helped many get through school itself!

3. Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

Born a slave, he later became a prominent educator, orator, and author.

Best known for his work founding and developing the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama into a leading African American educational and vocational institution.

4. Chanakya (375-283 BC)

He was a famous ancient polymath but also contributed a lot educationally.

He wrote 'Arthashastra' a seminal text on statecraft and economic policy and he played a significant role in the establishment of the Maurya Empire.

He was known for his wisdom.

5. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (1931-2015)

He was famous educationally for playing a pivotal role in the development of India's science and engineering presence, specifically military advancements.

As the President of India, he pushed for technological education.

6. James Naismith (1861-1939)

He was an educator/physical education instructor, and is famously credited with inventing the game of basketball.

He made great strides in providing a new method for his students to engage in physical exercise indoors during the winter months.

7. William Holmes McGuffey (1800-1873)

Renowned as a college professor and president in America, he is primarily recognized for authoring the McGuffey Readers, the first widely used series of elementary school-level textbooks.

8. Anne Sullivan (1866-1936)

She is most famously recognized for her role as the tutor and enduring companion of Helen Keller throughout her life.

Keller was deaf, blind and mute, yet Sullivan managed to break through to communicate with her.

9. John Dewey (1859-1952)

Famous for his progressive approach to education which emphasized learning through doing.

He argued that schools should function as social institutions where students learn problem-solving and democratic values.

student-centered > subject-centered

10. Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

In Montessori schools they focus on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play.

​​And the proficient teacher is simply there to offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process.

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