Mick Crawley Profile picture
Plant ecologist, fanatical botanizer, croquet player and Newcastle supporter

Jul 14, 2023, 16 tweets

This is a good time to revise the common grasses, while there is still time to go out and collect any that you have missed. We’ll start with Woodland Grasses, because there have all flowered by now.

They are in 5 categories: Tall upright, Tall droopy, Short upright, Short droopy and Acid pine woods. So that you can treat this as a self-assessment quiz, they are numbered, and you can write their names as we go along. You can check out the names at the end of the thread.

Tall upright 1

Tall upright 2

Tall droopy 1

Tall droopy 2

Tall droopy 3

Short upright 1

Short upright 2

Short upright 3

Short upright 4

Short droopy 1

Acid pine woods 1

Acid pine woods 2

Acid pine woods 3

There you are. Enjoy. Answers later.

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