Kiruba Munusamy Profile picture
Researcher | Advocate #SupremeCourtOfIndia | Founder @LIFEforRights @mapatrocities | Contributor Writer |

Jul 16, 2023, 20 tweets

After having undergone a great deal of agony over the past few months & a huge disappointment, I'm writing in public. I've known @RVikraman since 2013 when he participated in an event in which I was a guest. When I left for London in Aug 2020, he voluntarily came to send me off.

Two months after in Oct 2020, he pursued a romantic relationship with me. Just within 2 days after, he lied that he's invited to join @VCKofficial_ by its leader @thirumaofficial while he's the one who pursued. Since then he demanded unconditional support to his political career.

When I confronted his political-intellectual-financial exploitation & opportunism, he behaved casteistly & abusively. When I distanced myself, he would cry, beg & convince that he'll behave properly thereafter. But his behaviour continued & started gaslighting & manipulating me.

After about 2 years of relationship, when I stopped supporting & demanded the money he promised to return in Jul '22, he blocked me. After 3 months of trying, just before entering Bigg Boss, he apologised for his rude behaviour; got back together; was romantic & discussed BB.

The relationship continued after BB & so did his abuse, apologies & exploitation. I also found that he was cheating on me with the woman he claimed as his manager. After I confronted them in a conference call, he admitted the parallel relationship with her for over 1.5 years.

After speaking to 15 people he referred as his exes & friends, I found that there are other victims of his abuse & exploitation who are married now, including many queer men who haven't come out with their sexuality. Therefore, I told him that I'm going to lodge police complaint.

Failing to deceive me & after threatening that I'm only known in a small intellectual circle but he's a party office bearer who's popular among the cadres, he sought refuge in @thirumaofficial. So, with no other choice I submitted a 20-pages petition to take disciplinary action.

The party leader upon preliminary enquiry & prima facie evidence constituted a 5-member committee with 2 external members to enquire & submit its report within 20 days. I submitted documentary evidence, 8 witness statements proving relationship, abuse, financial fraud & cheating.

The committee took 40 days to submit its report. It's been a month & I was not issued a copy of the report. I've been relentlessly trying for a month now. The committee members are not giving. The office bearers are afraid to talk about it & even more scared to share the report.

I heard from sources that committee found my claims proven & strongly reported against @RVikraman with recommendations to expel him from the party & permit me to proceed legally. Is that why the report deliberately kept hidden by @VCKofficial_ to protect its Deputy Spokesperson?

He had neither respected the leader, party nor its ideologies. He had always undermined the anti-caste politics. Although he's the office bearer & I'm not, I was one who had always defended the leader, party, ideology & the oppressed even within a personal relationship.

The party founded on the principles of justice & equality which claims to be a movement for the oppressed & victims protecting a serial predator & casteist like @RVikraman as against the anti-caste & feminist ideologies it propagates is completely unjustifiable and undemocratic.

I've been a loyalist to the party for over a decade. I learnt Ambedkar's ideology through leader @thirumaofficial & he has played a significant role in engendering my critical lens & the intersectional politics I hold. So, I patiently waited for 3 months out of that respect.

After having approached the party leader @thirumaofficial, committee members, office bearers & every other sources innumerable times, I hereby publicly ask @VCKofficial_ to publish the report and make their Deputy Spokesperson accountable by taking necessary disciplinary action.

I was routinely harassed, abused, manipulated, gaslit, cheated & exploited in this relationship. I was suicidal & depressed that I'm undergoing therapy for a year now. This is a story I heard from every other victim. Additionally, I became persistently ill because of his torture.

He had intentionally exploited my intellect to grow his political career. From the statement he read while joining the party to Udumalai Shankar's memorial day speech, everything was my knowledge. He stole the content of the letter I wrote to him about Ambedkar for his BB fame.

Even while sitting on the live news debates he would ask me for the contents, or use my personal conversations with him. For example, see him using the goosebump moment I shared with him on the 25th Jan in this 26th Jan news7 debate at 38:16 minutes:

He, second year law student, propagated the objective of my already registered legal initiative as his own in BB. To escape his financial bothering, I drafted-registered-consulted Aram Vellum Trust including the progressively designed volunteer forms that he proudly talks about.

iPhone, Apple Watch, AirPods he still posts pictures with were exploited from me. He tortured me into buying Apple laptop so that he could start a YouTube channel (which never happened) & be financially independent. He forced the downpayment & EMIs out of me for the car he owned.

It would be a grave injustice to the anti-caste movement if @RVikraman continues to hold his position in an anti-caste party like VCK even after intentionally exploiting a Dalit woman activist to grow in the same party. I hope the party does justice by taking action at least now.

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