Mary Talley Bowden MD Profile picture
Founder Americans for Health Freedom. Kept 6000+ C19 patients out of the hospital. Sued FDA for interfering with DR-PT relationship and WON!

Jul 30, 2023, 8 tweets

15 year old boy sought my help after suffering for months with an itchy rash all over his body following the Pfizer shots. 🧵

He had seen numerous doctors, tried antihistamines, steroids and Xolair without success.

He was going to work as a lifeguard but couldn’t because of his rash.

This was one of the first vaccine reactions I had seen and though I knew how well ivermectin worked for COVID, I wasn’t sure how well it would work post-shot.

I prescribed ivermectin at 0.2mg/kg daily with food…. And the results were amazing.

He had no side effects, just relief.

I received this text from his dad:

Since then, I always try ivermectin first for vaccine-injured patients. These cases are challenging because the blood work and tests are typically normal. But seeing the response I had with this patient (and subsequent patients with rashes) convinced me that ivermectin should……

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