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Jul 30, 2023, 20 tweets


Former CIA Operative, Aaron Berman, currently Head of Meta’s Misinformation Policy & Head of Elections Content Policy, is interviewed by “CIA Renee”……

2. Aaron Berman spent over 17 years with the CIA before joining Facebook in 2019. He built their Misinformation Policy department and wrote most of the misinfo policy. Additionally, Berman says he 'represented Meta with external stakeholders.' This would include The White House,……

3. Aaron Berman is very active on his LinkedIn, with over a 100 posts. Here is a post from 3 years ago, while Trump was President.

Berman expressed his frustration with COVID 'misinfo' about Hydroxychloroquine and mentioned that Meta was working hard to counter COVID-19……

4. In this next post, Aaron Berman stated that Meta was 'expanding' false claims they remove on Facebook & Instagram about COVID and vaccines. Again, this was written on April 16, 2020. Who was the President in 2020? Trump.

Therefore, @Jim_Jordan's claim that Facebook only……

@Jim_Jordan 5. In this post, Berman discusses how Facebook is promoting 'reliable' vaccine information to parents and enforcing their policies on harmful content related to children. He expresses his happiness about the FDA authorizing COVID vaccines for children.

@Jim_Jordan 6. In the following tweets, you will see LinkedIn posts written by Aaron Berman that describe Meta’s extensive efforts to ‘combat misinformation’ in global elections.

This is nothing more than election meddling, interference & rigging.

In the first post, Berman talks about the……

@Jim_Jordan 7. Berman writes in detail how Meta interfered in the 2022 Brazil election, by aggressively limiting the “forward messages” feature on WhatsApp and how Meta worked with 6 ‘fact checkers’ in Brazil


@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 8. Berman posted about Meta’s election interference in Nigeria’s 2023 election which included ‘partering with local radio stations to create “NoFalseNewsZone” radio dramas in English & Pidgin”.

Meta also ran ads on Facebook & radio in 4 different languages – Yoruba, Pidgin,……

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 9. Berman posted about Meta’s election interference in Kenya’s 2022 election which included partnering with fact checkers AFP, Pesa Check & Africa Check to review content in English & Swahili.

Berman states they also relied on ‘guidance from local partners.’ Who might that be?……

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 10. This is nothing more than election interference by the largest social media platform with over 3 billion users worldwide. So- Is this all happening because of pressure from the “Biden White House”?

Or is this a wider Intelligence Operation (Mockingbird) infiltrating Social……

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 11. Berman posts on LinkedIn how Facebook & fact checkers are working in overdrive related to the Ukraine War. Also included is a tweet from Feb 2022, where he describes what Meta is doing to fight the spread of misinformation. He adds that Meta is working 24/7 on this.

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 12. Berman announces the launch of Facebook Climate Science Information Center to connect people to ‘authoritative info’ about climate change. He also tweeted how Meta has partnered with 80 independent fact checkers.

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 13. In a very bizarre post on LinkedIn, Aaron Berman states that intelligence assessments are not meant to be crystal balls. He describes these assessments as having a range of plausible outcomes in order to help policymakers assess risks & ‘shape events’ accordingly.

Lastly he……

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 14. Just this month, Aaron Berman attended TrustCon23, where he taught a workshop on how to write better emails in order to “influence tech executives more effectively”


@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 15. Apparently there is a Global Fact Checker annual conference called “Global Fact”. It is hosted by Poynter’s International Fact Checking Network. This event was sponsored by Google, Meta, Tik Tok and News Initiative and held in Oslo, Norway. Aaron Berman was in attendance, of……

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 16. Looks like a great event!

@Jim_Jordan @ggreenwald 17. Aaron Berman was also featured in an ad campaign for Meta

18. Here's Berman on the Wall Street Journal.

19. There are an alarming number of other Intelligence Community operatives currently working at Meta in Trust & Safety and other departments. I wrote a thread about this in December 2022. Some of you have seen it, but I will be publishing a new thread that highlights more people……

20. Here is the full video, which is still available on YouTube. Moderated by CIA Renee DiResta from Stanford Internet Observatory. Includes Brian Clarke from Twitter Trust & Safety, Dr. Anne Merritt from Google & Aaron Berman from Facebook

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