GitHub offers the best free Data Science education on the internet.
But there are more than 372 million repositories to choose from.
How do you find the best ones?
Bookmark these 5 repositories and start learning fast:
1. Free Programming Books
Books are still an important source of knowledge for any field — and Data Science is no exception.
This GitHub repository contains a huge list of freely available books to learn anything related to programming.
2. Data Science Roadmap
This repo covers everything from fundamentals to statistics and programming, and then on to machine learning, data visualization and beyond!
3. Awesome Repo
The Awesome Github repository provides an organized list of machine learning libraries, frameworks and tools in many different languages.
4. Public APIs for Data
Finding datasets to practice on can be a challenge.
This repo contains a collective list of free APIs to use for data work
5. Project-Based Learning
A list of programming tutorials divided into primary programming languages like R and Python.
And there you have it!
5 elite Github repos to get you started on your Data Science journey.
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