Kevin Dahlgren 🥾 🥾 Profile picture
A boots on the ground independent journalist. Ending homelessness by empowering not enabling. A disrupter of the Homeless Industrial Complex.

Aug 12, 2023, 5 tweets

I found a MASSIVE abandoned camp in our Oregon woods. Easily 2-3 million pounds of trash and no sign of people. Multiple half built houses, thousands of

pieces of clothing, hundreds of cans of paint, over a thousand bicycles piled up over 15 feet high, basements, treehouses, dozens of clearly stolen catalytic converters and a needle pit with over ten thousand needles.

I don’t know who lived here, how many lived here or why the left. I also counted over a hundred teddy bears. It was clear kids used to live there.

There was dozens of tricycles, toys kids clothes and even cribs. The camp is spread out over 4-5 acres. The cleanup will easily be a half million dollars. This is why I support sanctioned camping and to restrict all other

homeless camping. Kids for one should never be out there, the community should not continuously be responsible for messes like this and the fact is there is nothing compassionate with allowing the homeless to live this way.

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