Peter Labrie Profile picture
a mind forever voyaging

Aug 12, 2023, 8 tweets

11AUG23 0

"Greg Abbott is already responsible for a child dying in his razor wire buoy stunt. Now another child has died in his stunt to abduct and ship migrants out of state."



11AUG23 1

Mexico recovers 2 bodies from the Rio Grande, including 1 found near floating barrier that Texas installed


11AUG23 2

Dead body found stuck to Texas Gov. Abbott’s border buoys in the Rio Grande


11AUG23 3

The bodies of two migrants found in the Rio Grande, one in buoy barrier set up by Texas governor


11AUG23 4

In a border graveyard, volunteers exhume migrants’ bodies and search for their families…

11AUG23 5

The article is included in the post. (paywalled)

Child dies while traveling under Abbott’s migrant busing program


11AUG23 6

"REMINDER: Sawyer Hackett is a liar who started the BS “border patrol officers whipped migrants” narrative."



11AUG23 7

Tweet in post 6.

"Border patrol is mounted on horseback rounding up Haitian refugees with whips."



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