Shushant Lakhyani Profile picture
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Aug 13, 2023, 9 tweets

Goodbye, LinkedIn!

X will be listing $10000+/mo jobs too.

A professional picture increases your opportunities.

Here’s how you can generate your professional profile picture on X:

1. Go here:

- Click on: Get started
- Create your free account.

2. Train

- Click on "Train new model"
- Give a name to it
- Mention "Man" or "Woman"

3. Input photos

- Upload at least 4 photos of yourself
- Click on "Train model"
- Wait for 10 minutes

4. Generate your photos

- Click on "Use in Playground"
- Choose your template
- Click "Generate"

5. Admire the result

- You can repeat the operation if you need it.
- Once you're satisfied, just download the image.

The more photos you provide, the more accurate the result will be.

Generate your professional photos here:

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