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Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. At that moment, man finds his character. And that is what keeps him out of the abyss.

Aug 14, 2023, 25 tweets


Do you know about WTC 6?

We will also be exploring the mysterious case of Kurt Sonnefield and what he found beneath WTC 6.

Let's take a look at what happened to World Trade Center Building Six

#DirectedEnergyWeapons #NineEleven

What caused the massive hole that appears to be completely removed with very little debris inside?

Some may say it was debris that fell from WTC 1.

Except here, a photo shows the damaged WTC 6 on the left of the standing North Tower.

Here is clear video of a plume of white smoke arising from the WTC 6 while both WTC buildings are still standing.

This photograph by Bill Biggart, who died when the North Tower collapsed, shows what appears to be a damaged and burnt WTC 6 on the bottom left, in front of the North Tower.

Whatever cause the damage happened before the WTC collapse.

The crater in WTC 6 went into the sub-basement levels. The damage to WTC 6 occurred before the first tower collapsed and does not appear to have been caused by falling debris.

Notice how straight the vertical holes were that cut down through WTC6.

The 8-story WTC 6 lay between the North Tower and WTC 7. WTC 6 was evidently damaged before either tower fell and had an unexplained crater that went to the lowest basement level.

This infrared image shows the large and deep crater in the center of WTC 6 (lower left). There is no explanation for the deep crater that goes into the sublevels of the 8-story building.

Below the picture shows two 10 story craters in an 8 story building that are completely EMPTY.

Where is the debris piles?

The North Tower had not yet collapsed.

This image shows the outline of the original shape of WTC 6

The vertical holes in WTC6 (U.S. Customs Building) have the shape of cylindrical core samples in soil. Whatever it was produced vertically straight holes while doing little apparent horizontal damage to the balance of the interior of WTC6

A view over the dome of WFC 2 shows WTC 6

To the right of WTC 6 is the remaining north wall of WTC 1 which leans toward WTC6. Where did the wall go? Where did the top 100 floors of the north wall go? They didn't fall on WTC 6 or WTC 7 because there are no steel wheatchex there.

Below is Vesey Street from the West Street intersection after WTC1 was destroyed, the Verizon building is on the left, WTC7 is behind the Verizon building, and WTC6 is on the right

It looks like you can drive down the street with a 4x4. Where is the debris that hit WTC 6?

A FDMY Hazmat truck in front of WTC6 on West Street. The upper part of the truck has been peeled and evaporated in areas. The upper part of the cab is gone and the engine block seems to have disappeared. The photo was taken on 9/11 after WTC1 disappeared but before WTC7 collapsed

This shows the vertical cut-outs in the center of WTC6. To the left of WTC 6 are the remains of WTC1. Note the fairly consistent diameter of the holes. The holes are basically empty and very little debris visible inside the holes.

Every building that was destroyed had a prefix of WTC. There was little collateral damage to nearby buildings that were not targeted. You can see the massive hole in WTC 6.

Inside WTC 6 we see vertical cut-outs appear to go completely to the ground floor, with hardly any debris remaining. The evidence suggests that all 8 floors disappeared.

Images inside WTC 6

Kurt Sonnefield, who was arrested for his wifes suspicious death and later released, said they were trying to silence him over what he found beneath WTC 6 before 9/11

He says inside the building, he came across a vault that had been cleared of its contents before the planes hit

Kurt Sonnenfeld was working for the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, an organisation tied to the US Department of Homeland Security, when the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center took place.

Kurt was accused of killing his wife Nancy and the case has been opened and closed four times in favour of Kurt. Kurt's wife was found dead on a couch in the home the pair shared with a bullet wound to the back of the head.

“One thing I’m certain of is that agencies of intelligence of the United States of America knew what was going to happen and at least let it happen,” he said.

“Not only did they know it was going to happen, but they in in fact collaborated.”

- Kurt Sonnefield

Kurt Sonnefield interview and an article of a separate interview…

Below is a link to an article explaining what happened to Kurt and his wife and why he believes the government wants to silence him for what he found beneath the WTC 6…

Kurt says they want to silence him over what he saw beneath World Trade Center 6. Evidence he is convinced paints the Bush Administration as big players in the deadliest attack on American soil.

He has since fled to Argentina to seek asylum. The US government wants him back.

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